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  1. K

    Indians Love Pakistani Meat Dishes

    We have variety for vegetarians but not as much as India. The Indian vegetarian cuisine is awesome from certain areas, I tasted few from Rajhistan, Punjab and some from my friends from Delhi and Mumbai; but does not like from Kerala because every dish's taste is dominated by coconut and seems same.
  2. K


    Yeah Kyayaali Pulao nahin ... just see the mental condition of Indians on the forum ... they are so obsessed - ZH knows the Indian and treating them very well. :D Listen to the hue and cry of Indians, very funny ... ZH is Mudari and Indians are Jamooras on this thread ... ;)
  3. K


    Sir, he is beating Indians very hard ... can't you see what is going on the thread ,,, though Indians claim they don't pay a heed :lol:
  4. K


    Say ZH and the thread filled with burning smoke :chilli:. Indians are so obsessed that can't hide themselves ... say ZH and it has hysterical affect on Indians :lol:.
  5. K


    ZH a well and very balanced antibiotic for our neighbors ... :cool:
  6. K

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    Yes, waiting for a very warm welcome ... :welcome:
  7. K

    WOW !! I Never Knew About Operation Searchlight

    Yes and were from both sides ...
  8. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    And there goes the mommy's submarine designers boy with red hot bottom ... :P
  9. K

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Allah (SWT) bless our soldiers; who says 'LUBBAIK' in the time of need by motherland.
  10. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    You are not a uniform but a piss-form:azn:; uniform persons at least have some dignity in which you lacks. When I was in liquid form at that time you was in shit form :lol:. U can't say that about PA but I think definitely about IA which is bunch of terrorist. Could you please explore how...
  11. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    I am off-days man. It is your time to go to your Mom :enjoy:.
  12. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    Fool, don't care for me, get your supply, you really need a boost. You are so nut head that rather than talking logic on topic. You are somersaulting here and there. Nut behave like grown-up man and not like some nut kid:partay:.
  13. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    Moron nut, how many times I have to tell U that I am not an expert on navy. Nut head stick to the topic rather than claiming U r the designer or expert on breathing system. IF THAT IS TRUE, GET SOME GOOD BREATHING SYSTEM FOR YOU SO THE OXYGEN ENLIGHTEN YOUR GREY MATTER;) .
  14. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    A childish nut who is expert in his own dreams, your are even no CE but a useless material only to be burnt to get rid off. A self proclaimed Livorno borned, huh! :lol:
  15. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    You know more English than goras ... :cheesy: I know that scums like you born only in Indian military; you are a born coward and can't face the reality. Your are so genius that IN is weighing on ur shoulders . Moron like you always have big foul mouths but no grey matter. You are so...
  16. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    Puttar, get into the lap of your Mom the only place where morons like you could get peace. By the way, knowledgeable shit, where you read in my posts that I am a naval expert as you are claiming. Puttar don't jump to conclusions as most of your nationals do. :P
  17. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    Big mouth, go give the shit back to your country; but stop rather than giving so much brilliant ideas, give an idea of portable 'Hajut Khanas' to your government to serve the 70% of your national's interest. After all u r the born genius and bugger of the nation.
  18. K

    Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh

    A stupid moron wrote about midget subs while the topic is ' Next Indian Army Chief Dalbir Singh is Head of killers and robbers : Retd. Gen. V K Singh, Puttar ur mom is weeping for you as u r hungry and out of your senses it is your time to go home. If you can't answer the topic then don't do...
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