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    Wishing all a Very Happy and Prosperous Diwali.

    Wish you all a very happy Diwali.......
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    Water Wars: The impact of India stopping Pakistani water

    When Indian PM has said that India will stick with treaty then where is Question stopping water. India and Pakistan water treaty is one of the best example in the world. There were, are and will be lot of problems and these will be solved under the guidance of treaty. So cool down...
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    RAW Is The Real Terrorist!

    Then why Pakistan is not sharing proof with India, last day there was a meeting between India and Pakistan related to terrorism. India shared solid proofs against ISI for attacking Indian consulate in Afghanistan. Question is why pakistan is not sharing proofs against India in UN and with...
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    Asia, Europe future of whole world, says Hu Jintao

    Bhai asia, europe ke baad phir kitana bacha hi...
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    Poverty Leads to Wife sharing among Indians to cut costs

    WebMaster, This is joke, you have deleted all posts by Vinod, but many people have replied to him and people can read all his deleted posts, so your excercise is futile. Another thing, while deleting posts you did not give any reason , though AM, Neo and other Admins always give reasons...
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    Getting out of Pakistan's control????

    Dr Umar, lets not go offencive to any one. Not only Hamid mir but many Pakistani anlaysts, media person and politicians are saying that Pakistan is completly loosing control over tribal area. Few people who are working on behalf of CIA and other agencies, only they are saying current war is...
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    The fate of Indian consulates in the Post-American Afghanistan

    See its very simple, if Afghanistan is ready then India or any other country can open as many consulates as they wish. Now all offices are not consulates, few are cultural centers and few are for logistic supports. Now come to the point where Pakistan thinks Indian is intruding in Pakistan's...
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    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    AM, good to read your post, I always enjoy... And you said correctly that people should come on forum and give constructive views. Though you simply close your eyes on few guys (came in last few weeks), who are freely abusing India and Indian people, by using derogatory words. Hope you must...
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    Delhi Metro flyover collapses, two dead

    Malay this is not first instance, from last few months some accidents happened, though there was no death in last incidents. No doubt they have compromised the the security standards.
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    How the U.S. Military Turned Me into a Terrorist

    USA plan is convert all Muslims into terrorists. It is we who have save us and give a tight slap on USA face..... But unfortunatly our Muslim brothers are so easy target for brain wash from both side USA and as well as hard liners like Taleban and AQ.
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    Is India tearing itself apart?

    You are ripe to be recruited by HUJI.... But beware if we find you in India..... :sniper: Just kidding... we will welcome you...:guns:
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    Is India tearing itself apart?

    Deleted due to double post......
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    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    There is no doubt Pakistan's economy is problem. Mr Zardari thought he will get money easily. But every one wants to exploit the situation, this is same situation as Indian local Baniya wants to exploit farmers when every they give loan to them, unfortunatly many Indian farmers commited sucide...
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    India airline staff reinstated

    Can you explain more...
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    Pakistan President to Visit China, a Valued Ally

    We will allow him to take her to Pakistan with rahul in dawry....
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    Discussing national security

    As a lay man in area of national security, I will oppose if my gov start arming its own civilian to score points against some one else. Because I know this is biggest threat to Natioanl Security. Unfortunatly from last 30 years Pakistan's gov is doing this and now sitting on pile of explosive in...
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    Is India tearing itself apart?

    Looking to all posts... I can see many people hates India and not able to see this country’s progressing. Reason is very simple most of South Asian countries are on the brink of economic disaster and almost going to be fragmented, which is really painful not only for people of these...
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    Pakistan rupee exchange rate news

    Just to continue..... There is great danger that, Paksitan will follow the path of Afghanistan. Due to kashmir policy as Malay says Pakistan society has been radicalised but may not be that deep. But what Pakistan is doing now to fight with Taliban and openly supporting tribals to take the gun...
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    BANGLADESH: Military must not dominate civil administration

    Munshi, More days military stays in civil power, it will be more currupt...
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    Mahatma Gandhi vs Quaid-e-Azam, MA Jinnah

    To all my friends, I agree with my Pakistnai friends that they have deep respect for Jinnah. But Jinnah and Gandhi comaprision is not suitable. One was Muslim and another love whole man kind. Both have done good for people, one for Pakistani Muslims another for not only for Indian's but whole...
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