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  1. H

    Partition Reality

    In a democratic society, where people of all races and religion live side by side, its imperative that they never ever bring religion into politics. Religion is a very private affair and it should be inside your home and not on the streets. When there is no minority community, why would there be...
  2. H

    Partition Reality

    Funny, I think the same about you. In a democratic society things will only work when all people leave their damned religion back at home and not wear it on their sleeves. The Congress party, apart from hindus, represented Sikhs, Christians,a part...
  3. H

    Partition Reality

    Very funny logic. Congress acknowledging Muslim league as representatives of Indian muslims doesnt naturally make it into a Hindu party. Seriously, where do you even get these ideas? <!--QuoteBegin-Sid[/i]@Mar 30 2006, 09:48 AM This is just the jist of it. Mr Seervai goes into great details...
  4. H

    Partition Reality

    Sorry for the late reply,I &#39;ve been busy and will be for sometime.So I will try and post as often as I can. What political safeguards did they want? Don&#39;t give me this rubbish about ban on cow slaughter and some imaginary stuff. Nobody else,be it christians, Buddishts or Jains wanted...
  5. H

    Partition Reality

    Sid, I refuse to acknowledge Muslims as a separate community.They are equal citizens of my country and no special status should be accorded to any particular community,which is sadly not the case in India today. Muslims have their own law board in India. FYI, cows are...
  6. H

    Partition Reality

    Pakistan is a reality and I am in no way disputing it. But I just pointed out that using the justification of religious differences for the creation of Pakistan almost sounded much like Nazi propaganda justifying their ideologies and actions.
  7. H

    Ten best fighters according to strategy site.

    Typhoon is the only other aircraft to have &#39;Supercruise capability&#39; other than the Raptor.
  8. H

    Partition Reality

    Both these extracts clearly explains, how Jinnah turned this political rivalry into a religious problem.Congress didnt push muslims out, but preferred the muslims who were Congress party members.There was ofcourse political discrimination but never a religious one. Jinnah...
  9. H

    Partition Reality

    If it makes you happy, sure. Well, when he appealed to Muslims sentiments with that Khilafat BS, all Indian muslims didnt mind one bit, did they? They were only too happy to follow him. And when he appealed to Hindu religious sentiments, they felt insecure? what sort of...
  10. H

    Partition Reality

    You are talking about some step by step approach which was never put into use and it could&#39;ve,might&#39;ve,would&#39;ve worked or not worked at all. And it has got nothing to do with your so called muslim insecurity in united India, so lets drop it. Congress?&#33; Hindu...
  11. H

    Partition Reality

    Okay I think I will reply in detail after you finish posting this whole thing supporting your views that Partition was never based on religious divide.Please do tell me when you are finished.
  12. H

    Partition Reality

    That is some petty politics.Not really much of an issue here. Jinnah and Gandhi might have been different in their approach to the question of Freedom. But again this only shows the different style of functioning of two very different leaders. Nothing significant here...
  13. H

    Ten best fighters according to strategy site.

    The Russians have not been able to come up with "Supercruise capability" (which helps the pilot to enter and exit hostile areas very quickly) and they don&#39;t have anything that even comes close to the AN/APG-77 used in the Raptors, yet. These capabilities are equally important when it comes...
  14. H

    Ten best fighters according to strategy site.

    Stealth,Super cruise capability and its advanced avionics.F-22 has a lot of advantages over Su-35.
  15. H

    Naval Blockade of Pakistan

    Neo, This Russian website claims that.... But this Indian daily claims that..... I am guessing that the Indian daily is a bit closer to the truth, since it is possible that in their efforts to miniaturize the nuclear reactors,they might have cut down its...
  16. H

    Naval Blockade of Pakistan

    The miniature reactor&#39;s capability is about 100 MWe and the fuel is highly enriched uranium, supplied by the Rare Materials Project (RMP) at Ratnahalli, near Mysore.
  17. H

    Partition Reality

    Yes sir&#33;. :) I still have a few of my school history books with me and none of them blame any individual person for partition.Wherever did you get the notion that Indian history books blame Jinnah? Don&#39;t worry, I wouldnt be embarrased. I am not much of a Gandhi fan either. And how is...
  18. H

    Pakistan to provide training

    Thank you&#33;. <!--QuoteBegin-Sid[/i]@Mar 22 2006, 12:45 AM It was NOT Jinnah who was responsible for the partition of India as your local history books would have you believe or for that matter, the pathetic movie made on Gandhis live would have you believe. Read some books by...
  19. H

    India involved in illicit nuclear activities: US t

    I concur. Excellent analysis. India will wait for the right moment before it thinks about testing another nuclear weapon. But that moment is atleast two decades away.
  20. H

    India involved in illicit nuclear activities: US t

    Maybe you can help us find out a problem that India might have to face in this deal .As far as I know, the deal has gone in India&#39;s favour. We would like to hear your viewpoints aswell.
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