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    Freedom of Speech in Indian Media

    Sajjad Ahmad Rawalpindi – Pakistan Soon after the Bombay terror attacks Indian media as well as India government started blaming Pakistan and Pakistan based welfare organisations for conducting these attacks and a new media powered propaganda game had been launched with full force to isolate...
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    Freedom of Speech in Indian Media

    Sajjad Ahmad Rawalpindi – Pakistan Soon after the Bombay terror attacks Indian media as well as India government started blaming Pakistan and Pakistan based welfare organisations for conducting these attacks and a new media powered propaganda game had been launched with full force to isolate...
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    Rising India or Falling India

    Yes, ofcourse. We are also not living in the paradise. Hundreds of problems are also on our site. But, in a joint sessions with each other. We will always discuss the issues which are common in both countries. The biggest evil on earth under India and Pakistan is poverty. Let's pray that we...
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    Rising India or Falling India

    logic note Failure is lack of Progress so India is rising faster then ever before . Problems existed and we are solving them . So if someone finds pleasure in others problems then there must be something wrong with his thinking process .. No wonder , People growing with a biased...
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    Rising India or Falling India

    One should understand difference between city and small town, Very few know about the town you are mentioning and that also due to it recently in news. But whats wrong with that news ? Also please use "Quote" button on the bottom right of the user's post before quoting someone other wise its...
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    Rising India or Falling India

    vinod And I hope you start doing that from now I am already responding calmly and positively. And where is that coming from. Not out of thin air but because of the industriousness of ordinary Indians. Indians are not becoming poorer. Their income is increasing every year. I see that...
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    Rising India or Falling India

    vinod2070 PF, I can see your concern for India and am really touched. I am sure that Pakistan also has many problems as it is behind India on most fronts including the HDI. So there is a lot of scope for you to offer your expertise and make things better right there. And once you have...
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    Awami Muslim League

    akpower. He may or may not have a role in the future government. The question raised by iajdani is important. My best guess is that he may had selected this name because of this historical importance of this name and also becuase that people of Pakistan are much attached with the Muslim League.
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    Rare Pictures of Quaid-e-Azam.

    quote from another website. ...with a sense of supreme satisfaction at the fulfillment of his mission that Jinnah told the nation in his last message on 14 August, 1948: "The foundations of your State have been laid and it is now for you to build and build as quickly and as well as you can"...
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    Bangladesh Military prepares for a WAR against Myanmar

    the foes in Myanmar are well under influence of Indian chessmasters and this issues will never settle down. Until or unless Myanmar did not liberate it from them. The other way is that Bangladesh need to enhance its military power, as well as economic conditions (to support its growing...
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    Book Review - Pakistan Between Secularism and Islam

    Writer: Tarik Jan – Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad ISBN: 969-448-057-4 Pages: 464 – Including Appendix, Notes and Index Addition: First Addition published in 1998 and second in 2003 Introduction Since Pakistan came into being, the marginal number of people left no chance...
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    Defending the Ideology

    Pakistan was not a one-man show. Though, Tahreek e Pakistan was led by Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. But the path All India Muslim League was following was exactly what the Musalmanan e Hind had dreamed for. However, the leadership is not only supposed to lead the people. But it is also...
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    ‘India to send 150,000 troops for anti-Pakistan operations’

    Burper said: there's no use getting defensive or over confident. pakistan IN FACT cannot do anything if india sends troops in afganistan. the US will welcome this with open hands and pakistan will be left there just watching. that's called a realistic scenario. "try us - we'll kick your @ss...
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    ‘India to send 150,000 troops for anti-Pakistan operations’

    But still even if we believe that India is not sending this much army and rather few thousands, well Pakistan needs to take notice of that. If India decided to send its troops to Afghanistan, we will open our roads for its troops to go there. Obviously, our nation would love to see the...
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    ‘India to send 150,000 troops for anti-Pakistan operations’

    What is a yield that we will going to be earn by sending our troops? Well, we don't even need to spend a single penny, because that work of fomenting terror in Pakistan is already been done by taliban itself, and now US is stocking the fire by repeated missile attacks for which Pakistan...
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    ‘India to send 150,000 troops for anti-Pakistan operations’

    [B]Well i think if India can be world's highest purchaser of weapons ....B] I think you are right. The poor indian soldiers are not that much expensive and important as of America's. Annula war bill would not be more than 10 to 30 billion dollars a year for India ( A guess ). Indians can...
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    ‘India to send 150,000 troops for anti-Pakistan operations’

    indiapakistanfriendship said: So that means we should stop attempting to potect our citizens That also not mean that you stop attempting to protect your citizens within the country first and start serving the others. Hundreds of thousands of people (Mainly Muslims) died in Gujrat violence...
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    ‘India to send 150,000 troops for anti-Pakistan operations’

    jana said: Kasrkin the CIA is desperate to call the Indain troops for taking part in terror training against Pakistan specialy in FATA areas and Balochistan otherwise Indian army is not having balls to fight in Afghanistan. Indian Army chief had been advocating sending Indian troops to...
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    ‘India to send 150,000 troops for anti-Pakistan operations’

    drosan said: no jana. im a die hard follower of gandhi. i believe if someone BS's you then you should BS back at them So gandhi remained naked throughout his life because he knew that not only now a days, but also in the next 100 years, my nation will remain poor, sleep under open air and...
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    Is RAW Bluffing CIA?

    The insurgency in NWFP is not very much problematic for Pakistan. However, it is true that this externally powered militants are giving tough time to the country's armed forces. The main pupose of this huge militancy campaign against Pakistan in tribal areas was too force people to stand up...
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