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    Agosta 90-B (Hamza) being commissioned

    The TWO Agosta 70s Hashmat and Hurmat will be long gone by 2020. I see three Agosta 90s Khalid, Saad and Hamza, Currently Hamza is the only one with MESMA Air Independent Power... There is a possibility if the HAMZA is proven that the French (DCN) Mesma is good the Khalid and Saad will be...
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    US offers India $170 mn deal for sale of 24 harpoon missiles

    shehbazi2001 and all that know these things ... Question? Would the Harpoons be used from any submarine the IN has now? Which missile is better, the Harpoon, Exocet or the KLUB? The Brahmos is not sub ready yet, no platform other then maybe Akula or ATV right, and that is still years...
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    This report is a few months old... I believe this is when S-136 Hurmat visited several countries in the gulf.
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    PAK minisub MG110 COSMOS????

    Gentlemen .... the Mg-110 or X-craft as the Pakistanis call it is about 27meters and displaces only 110MT. this is more inline with what the North Koreans have as SSM not a SSK this mini or midget sub is used for infiltration ...getting in close to the shoreline. a U214 or any u-boat or scorpene...
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    Indian Navy to induct a nuclear submarine by 2009

    you don't need a Nuc submarine to be a blue water navy, In the 50 and 60s both Russia, the US and Britain had diesels that roamed the ocean all over the world. Granted they have to surface or snorkel to recharge the batteries, But today the HAMZA, the U-214 and Other diesels that also have Air...
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    India refuses upgraded submarines from Russia

    While the Sindhuvijay may have failed the Land Attack Cruise Missile portion of it's sea-trails. she still can fire Anti sub and anti ship torpedoes. There have been 7 Kilos that under went medium refits (mid life) already and are back in the operational fleet for India. Russian wants more money...
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    Pak to buy U214 - Senate debating reports of faults

    Pak navy is having problems with the HAMZA and trouble with the french on help. 214 has longer endurance then the MESMA on the Agosta90B (HAMZA):coffee:
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    Indian Navy to induct a nuclear submarine by 2009

    You don't need a nuc submarine to be a blue water navy. The USA, Germany and Japan Navies were Blue water navy's in WWII on diesel boats.:flame:
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