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  1. Kingumar

    Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

    Or the ISI and the US intelligence came into negations NOT to put Pakistanis involvement in spotlight to protect Pakistanis national security and the country from further bombings and killings. as Pakistan is more vulnerable then the U.S Considering that the U.S is still willing to stay in...
  2. Kingumar

    pakistan is ready

    here's a short vid i made a while ago. :) I hope its not too bad.
  3. Kingumar

    Comment by 'Kingumar' in media 'Al Khalid'

    very nice photo.
  4. Kingumar

    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    This is probable the most happiest event for America. Why i think that? Because this will give their media chance to throw hate in people's minds against pakistan and later on get the public to support them as they "try to get into pakistan" which is really NOT easy to do.
  5. Kingumar

    Comment by 'Kingumar' in media 'Naval SSGs'

    wow, not bad at all.
  6. Kingumar

    A question/suggestion!

    As i have looked so far, i couldnt find a section where i cana sk questions about pakistani army, if there is please direct me towords that section. If not, i suggest there should be a section where people can post questions on how to get in army, requirements ect..:coffee: Thanks
  7. Kingumar

    The Chinese armed helicopters

    wow, not bad at all, looks very nice and hitec, i gotta find out more about it =)
  8. Kingumar

    Some Changes & Additions!

    Nice improvements, Ty for the hard work on these forums.
  9. Kingumar

    Comment by 'Kingumar' in media 'SSG_3_'

    thats 1 heck of a kick, niice
  10. Kingumar

    Comment by 'Kingumar' in media 'AH-1 Cobra'

    wow, this is one of the best pic iv seen of a cobra
  11. Kingumar

    Gen. Kiyani named Vice Chief of Army Chief

    i hope he makes the word "military/army" stand out in a good way in pakistan. because pakistani's military is getting a little bad rep after what all has happned. also, as stated above, he should stay out of politics
  12. Kingumar

    Media getting out of hands..

    but some guidelines would maybe improve the sitation..?
  13. Kingumar

    Iran brands US army, CIA as ‘terrorists’ ‘

    dude i agree with u 100% just look at how many peopel USA killed.
  14. Kingumar

    Comment by 'Kingumar' in media 'Talha APC'

    i really like this vehicle, its colors and technology is excilent
  15. Kingumar

    Are you as smart as u think u are?, try it out

    lol you got me there, ver nice questions lol..i actually started to think about the last one -.-
  16. Kingumar

    Media getting out of hands..

    The thing that really dissapoints me is pakistani MEDIA, its really getting out of control. I really think there should be some rules over them aswell, a TOTAL FREEDOM is never good. Take an example from 4 days ago when there was a clash between Judges and lawyers. The media isnt showing how...
  17. Kingumar

    Musharraf leads international poll survey as a quick decision maker

    Tbh, i would love musharaf to stay with us for cupple of years, but many peopel dont allow that because army gets in the way. I AGREE that army should NOT interfear with the country's inner political decissions.
  18. Kingumar

    Benazir says US action in Pakistan allowed, if Osama there

    I think she is loosing it, first of all i say her party doesnt get elected at ALL. But if she decids to make this decission, pakistani would go towords distruction. and im sure she gave this statement out so the US could help her get in.
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