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  1. White

    Indian Special Forces Contingent Deployed To Serve In Afghanistan

    So Bharat wants a part of the mess! Hey why give those nuts a chance to come after you! What is Next, Replace Brits in Basra!!
  2. White

    Given a chance, Kashmiris would like to break away: CIA

    Just for Your info: Kashmir is BIGGER in size than UK, Taking about Peace; Kashmir has been cut into several Pieces. If India/Pakistan hold a Plebiscite and then Kashmirz elect to join the big nation (or Pakistan), it will be an honor for them. But if India/ Pakistan /China/etc treat it as a...
  3. White

    Pakistan protests India glacier tourism plan

    Not a good move environ/mentally! A Glacier is best left "cold".
  4. White

    TOP ten Inteligence Agencies !!

    "Intelligence agencies" are no longer just Intelligence agencies, some are actually "the state behind the mask", while others are "best effort elite". To grade them is not easy unless they are "reverse graded": How many failures, how many exposures, how many defeats, how many no shows etc. If...
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