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  1. C

    Best Intelligence Agencies

    mossad is not so good as they pretend to be... I think ISI is very good close to no 1 also German and chinese intelligence are also top class.
  2. C

    A 3rd Pakistan was supposed to be created

    well... why would i get banned mate....
  3. C

    Indian Cricket team to tour Pakistan next month

    what I never understood.... is..India and Pakistan are at each others throat most of the time... but their bloody cricket board are in bed together... Okay so Australia is not coming..so Indian team will come and play
  4. C

    IPL - what are your views?

    they should add cities...like Karachi, Melbourne, Sydney also.... instead some dumb sh!t citiy like jaipur...(never heard of it)
  5. C

    M4 Carbine, United States

    m4 is a bloody useless...gun...
  6. C

    More Indian Army Soldiers Commit Suicide Than Die In Battle?

    well they might have got tired of fighting....in kashmir...
  7. C

    RAW "ineffective organization"

    the thing with all thing INDIAN...is they have brain...i think the best in the world...what they lack is balls..... I have trained with Pakistan SSGs and Indian commandos.... but while SSG were serious muth fkers.... , while Indians cmdos had that boy next door kinda attitude.....
  8. C

    Latest Kalashnikovs to be made in India

    dunno about AK100s... but INSAS is damn good rifle...we had access to few and they were good not as good as ak...but good
  9. C

    Indian Tactical Missiles(Must Read)

    post deleted due to usage of expletives keyser
  10. C

    How good are the SSG's

    i have read somewhere SSG kicked some real big bear *** in afghanistan ........... and that too against spetsnaz.... well if you can beat spetsnaz u r no1 because i think spetsnaz are good...ahead of SAS or GIGN ....
  11. C

    Pakistan's ISI plans to expand Bangladesh's border to weaken India

    thats bloody funny..... good one mate :sniper:
  12. C

    My family fought for Pakistan

    what bullsh!t....:smitten: I do admire most pakistani for their balls...they are twice as courageous than some indians I have met... I doubt bladeshi have guts............... and that is the reason why they have gone back to Pak for help...... :azn:
  13. C

    RAW Vs ISI

    bloody ******* whining... I seriously doubt RAW has balls i imagine a couple of 50 year old browsing bbc.com for intelligence RAW doesnt even have a brand value some of my indian friends dont even know India have an external intelignece Agency...they were whining yeah we should...
  14. C

    RAW Vs ISI

    mate --> 1. This can be an open debate..an aganecy like ISI ..I bet 500 aussi dollar that is operating with less than 20,000 men in last 7 years.... 2. As for RAW telling..mushy cover your *** that is open secret.... Mushy is only alive because he has a crack contingent of SSG commandos...
  15. C

    RAW Vs ISI

    MATE --> 1. By 35000 men I mean direct and indirect agent(but on payroll). Sikh Militancy on the rise in India. There is always Kashmir, & to keep the Kashmir pot boiling ..they need minimum of 10000 strong men. 2. RAW warned Mr Mush (indirectly through vaijpayi)on attacks on his life once...
  16. C

    RAW Vs ISI

    which is the best ? in terms of - budget - agent - prowess - no of active agents in India and PAkistan - Modus Operanda - Achievments Recent Rumours - Pakistan has 35000 strong agents through out India. Not just in Muslim Population but in Hindus, Dalits, Christians -...
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