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  1. vtnsx

    World Balance of Nuke Power (1st quarter 2014)

    im pretty sure they still have those but disassembled and when they are ready to use all that they just have to put them together.
  2. vtnsx

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    What Vietnam truly need is Nuclear Fusion technology. Which is the latest technology to create virtually almost limitless energy by harnessing the energy similar to that produced by the sun. Say hello to "ITER" google this and find out more. Vietnam also need to master the art of Artificial...
  3. vtnsx

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    With cheap labor it is possible. With $1.68 billion is calculated through European standard of living.
  4. vtnsx

    China says still no compensation from Vietnam for riot victims

    Because you farm your own people for cheap labor. Who needs FDI at that point. More like give the Chinese more spanking they deserve.
  5. vtnsx

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    If this was made in Vietnam with the same technology in place, it could costs Vietnamese government $200 million each.
  6. vtnsx

    South China Sea Forum

    He erased 60 million chinese. That's a lot of chinese that didn't fight back. lol!!
  7. vtnsx

    South China Sea Forum

    More like china is getting erased from history books and the world. Like Genghis Khan did to your people about 1000 years ago.
  8. vtnsx

    Japanese warship arrives Vietnam

    The Chinese underestimated Vietnamese ahahhaha!
  9. vtnsx

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    That same $200 mil can be reinvested in advanced Education in Engineering and Manufacturing as well as heavy industries and advance machinery including precision machining, advance materials, computers, rocketry, communications, etc, etc.
  10. vtnsx

    Vietnam, US move to hasten TPP negotiations

    Vietnam is not too poor to bail out America, we just don't have the population like China to do that.
  11. vtnsx

    South China Sea Forum

    Never act like the victim.
  12. vtnsx

    South China Sea Forum

    Western nations are not stupid. They obviously know who does what and it's no rocket science that metal vs wood in this video. We are well aware of China's action and are taking everything into considerations. There's a plan of action in the making and will take time to implement it. Patient is...
  13. vtnsx

    Who is this guy in China ?!

    sorry but the chinese president is fatter than that guy. He's not as overweight and probably eat heathier than the chinese president.
  14. vtnsx

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    I'll be working in one of those buildings as a CEO soon.
  15. vtnsx

    Vietnamese Stocks Dived as China Clashes Spooked Domestic Investors

    lol, and I thought I was also a goof. Sorry, how old are you?
  16. vtnsx

    Vietnamese Stocks Dived as China Clashes Spooked Domestic Investors

    If that was the case, then USA, Japan, Gernmany, Vietnam could walk to your soil and call it home. Haha still don't get it hey? I don't think you don't get it. I think you do get it. You choose to not get it.
  17. vtnsx

    Vietnamese Stocks Dived as China Clashes Spooked Domestic Investors

    Here's an example, so you walk to my house and you call it home. LOL! Peace is absence of war, lol, wow who taught you that one? That's a good one. And here I thought I was an idiot. No seriously, that's not how you make peace dude. Pissing people off isn't going to give you peace. Unless...
  18. vtnsx

    Vietnamese Stocks Dived as China Clashes Spooked Domestic Investors

    I really don't know what you're trying to get but you seem to not get my point. What I meant about "insignificant" is it is not worth millions of lives over an oil rig. Now take that as a reading comprehension lesson. Lol, that's not how you obtain peace. You're pissing other people off. Just...
  19. vtnsx

    Vietnamese Stocks Dived as China Clashes Spooked Domestic Investors

    Then you're a hypocrite or you simply just trolling your mind. It's a waste of my time.
  20. vtnsx

    Vietnamese Stocks Dived as China Clashes Spooked Domestic Investors

    hahaha, that's nothing when you compare that to 25 years of war with Americans, over 7 million tons of bombs, plus the help from south vietnamese, napalm, agent orange, planes, etc. You have no idea bro. End of conversation. haha sitting on a computer and say a lot of sh1t is easy. Anyone can...
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