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  1. 8

    The movie '300' - The West Should Stop Killing Ancient Persians

    It's just a movie, I don't know about this one but 300 had some pretty cool fighting scenes. It has nothing to do with propaganda, it is outrageous because that makes it more entertaining and therefore more people want to watch it. As Flamer already mentioned there are loads of movies mocking...
  2. 8

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    If you read what I wrote I agree with many of your points, but Putin is out of order in going this far.
  3. 8

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    'Some forces'? They protested, peacefully for a while about a genuine issue, as is their right. Your president did not help himself by opening fire on them. Putin has not given them a chance to do anything. Of course this whole situation is messed up, but to occupy another country? That is not...
  4. 8

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    Some of the protesters may have been less than savoury and had ulterior motives, but to brand them all as terrorists is ridiculous. In case you hadn't noticed this whole situation arose due to the widepsread corruption which is pretty much evident everywhere in the former USSR. You have the...
  5. 8

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    Russia has given Ukrainian forces in Crimea an ultimatum, it's a full on occupation, completely unlawful.
  6. 8

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    What's the ethnic makeup of those regions? Majority Russian? It is neither the Russians nor the inhabitants job to simply declare a referendum. Yes they are, quite concerning really.
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    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    Russia will hold some kind of referendum or what not, with the end result being that Crimea ends up under Russian control. Putins Eurasion union is a bid to reform the USSR as best he can. Belarus is pretty much already under their control. Unfortunately they are blessed with gas/oil which...
  8. 8

    Iran, Britain resume diplomatic ties

    Disagree with pretty much everything Iran does, but this does seem to be a positive step.
  9. 8

    David Cameron: Britain Will Never Surrender The Falkland Islands

    Leave it be mate, you can't win. They don't look at facts, rather their own ridiculous preconceived grudges. They know a few buzzwords such as 'imperialism' and that's about it.
  10. 8

    Virgin Galactic bans Chinese nationals from space flights over espionage fears

    China is a massive market, I have no doubt that if the venture is a success they will try to find another launch site. It's a business, therefore they will be concerned with profit.
  11. 8

    Virgin Galactic bans Chinese nationals from space flights over espionage fears

    Did you read the article? It is due to US regulations.
  12. 8

    Virgin Galactic bans Chinese nationals from space flights over espionage fears

    Yet he has achieved far more in life than you. The benefit of being a billionaire is being able to hire people who do know what they are talking about. Branson is a good man, why the hate?
  13. 8

    Bad vibes at Sochi games

    Was this for the ceremony? I watched a bit of it online, some woman was presenting. Alan Davies is a smug dick head, don't like him. The BBC shouldn't employ 'comedians' for serious events..
  14. 8

    Cameron's emotional appeal to Scotland: Don't break away and erode UK's global clout

    No I would think not, but then again London is in a different world to the rest of the UK. I live in Brighton atm and no one really cares.
  15. 8

    Bad vibes at Sochi games

    As in people who may support the athletes from their home nations, but applaud the winners and losers regardless of where they come from. I think.....
  16. 8

    Cameron's emotional appeal to Scotland: Don't break away and erode UK's global clout

    Ha, you're not wrong, many people do. I'm not too fussed, but if Scotland leaves then we can't claim all the good inventions that they came up with. You're an Indian in the UK, what do you think?
  17. 8

    Cameron's emotional appeal to Scotland: Don't break away and erode UK's global clout

    It's going to be close, although they seem to have assumed that they could continue to carry on using the pound. They can, but only if they cede some economic sovereignty, which would defeat the object of them gaining independence in the first place. Also their place in the EU would in no way...
  18. 8

    Western anti Russian propaganda Backfired? 3 times more people watched Sochi than Canadas Olympics

    What? Overrun? Under 5% of the UK population are muslims. You'll probably need to wait a little longer than 30 years. Besides loyal to Britain and being a muslim are not mutually exclusive.
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