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  1. Eran Spahbod

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    Next time, think twice before sneaking into another country's airspace like a f*&*$ng terrorist and learn to Respect others' sovereignty. Good luck! :tup:
  2. Eran Spahbod

    UN Nuclear Watchdog Wants Iran Visit

    Brother, if you ever stand for the president of Iran position, I will vote for you anyday! :cheers:
  3. Eran Spahbod

    Iran - officially a state with nuclear capability

    Would love to look at the faces of the zionists now. Thank you longbrained for your support! :)
  4. Eran Spahbod

    The Palestinian UN bid for recognition of state

    Spain is openly backing the recognition, with Sweden, Portugal, Norway, Malta, Belgium and Luxembourg seemingly leaning in that direction. France and Britain in turn have both said they would prefer to see meaningful negotiations on the basis of the pre-1967 borders with agreed land swaps, but...
  5. Eran Spahbod

    Bangladesh introduces TV censorship

    The govt is hell bent on turning this country into a bloody concentration camp day by day.
  6. Eran Spahbod

    Al-Faisal to the US : Veto a State, Lose an Ally.

    With all the fancy toys you have sold them, they can easily stand up to anyone in the ME except for Israel perhaps (you take all the money in the world and still don't give enough to anyone to be on par with Israel militarily). God knows what would've happened to you economy without all the...
  7. Eran Spahbod

    Iran to react immediately if attacked

    Ofcourse there won't be anything like that for Iran, because I'm sure even you people realise that unlike the porverty ridden, fragmented Iraqi society, the Iranians will actually put up a United resistance. And unlike the Republican Guards, the Revolutionary Guards will not just vanish into...
  8. Eran Spahbod

    Israel isolated ahead of UN vote on Palestinians

    I don't think its fair to put all the blame on SA for not enough actions being taken in favor of the Palestinians. It is sad but true that the other muslim countries in the ME aren't really doing much to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians. Except perhaps, Turkey lately. If SA feels...
  9. Eran Spahbod

    Turkish PM suspends all ties with Israel

    Everyone's been giving candies to Israel for too long. And when a child starts misbehaving, you stop giving candies. Well done Turkey.
  10. Eran Spahbod

    Sarkozy says Iran nuclear bid could provoke preemptive military action

    More lip service by the honorable French president begging for popularity. Meh
  11. Eran Spahbod

    Nuclear War Against Iran ?

    You definitely struck back hard buddy, and went beyond all limits of humanity. Japan's attack on Pear Harbor - a naval base containing warships - had a civilian casualty of 57 killed, 35 wounded. Holy shite what a Massacre! Your Response on Hiroshima and Nagasaki - cities housing civilians -...
  12. Eran Spahbod

    Nuclear War Against Iran ?

    That's good to know mate. :) Baran was a very good movie. Check out Leila. You might like it.
  13. Eran Spahbod

    US troops may stay in Afghanistan until 2024

    The first time Americans went into Afghanistan in force with the aim of occupation was After 9/11. Before that was indirect aid to the Mujhaheedin against the soviets. Please read what I wrote. Its funny you are even comparing US aid to the Mujahadeen with a full blown occupation. How many...
  14. Eran Spahbod

    Nuclear War Against Iran ?

    I am all for the idea of destroying All nukes from this Earth. However, it's never gonna happen, except perhaps in fairytales.
  15. Eran Spahbod

    US troops may stay in Afghanistan until 2024

    The first war? :confused: The first time Americans went into Afghanistan in force with the aim of occupation was After 9/11. Before that was indirect aid to the Mujhaheedin against the soviets. What are you talking about mate?
  16. Eran Spahbod

    19 NATO oil tankers burnt in Pakistan

    Although it's nice to see that blowing up trucks equals to less oil, which means less drone attacks over Pakistan, I do believe this is not helping Pakistan's cause. I strongly oppose the US drone attacks killing innocent civilians and it needs to stop no matter what. But I don't think 'unknown...
  17. Eran Spahbod

    Iran to unveil new cruise missiles in August

    Very nice indeed. The news fails to mention, the unveiling of the new cruise missiles will be followed by severe whining by the brave US leadership and all around panick attacks and paranoia in the pure, innocent society of Israel. :chilli:
  18. Eran Spahbod

    Nuclear War Against Iran ?

    A noble suggestion. Would You destroy all your nukes?
  19. Eran Spahbod

    US troops may stay in Afghanistan until 2024

    Afghanistan is a gold mine for the US and don't expect them to let go of it anytime soon. Afghanistan gives them direct access to all the important players in Southeast Asia - China, Pakistan, India. And ofcourse, they get to camp right beside Iran. They can easily threaten the major players at...
  20. Eran Spahbod

    Nuclear War Against Iran ?

    It will not come to an end my friend. Have faith in the Almighty. Iran has been through worse in its thousand years history. Times are tough now, yes. We are not sitting on our bottoms either. This is not Iraq or Afghanistan and the Americans know it. Let them whine all they want while we focus...
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