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  1. Viper0011.

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    When the US is committed to defending Japan and has presence in and around Japan, the -22's become a "wish list", not a necessity. The Japanese sure can design their stealth jet and that would definitely have American input in it (a LOT). That's no problem as they did that with their F-2 also...
  2. Viper0011.

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    There are various reasons. The US doesn't want to share the F-22 tech with anyone as it is way ahead of its time and there is a LOT of sensitive tech that is proprietary of the US and the jet's manufacturer. Plus the funding etc also came from the US entirely as it forms the "High" combat tier...
  3. Viper0011.

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    1) I gave you VIDEOs. If you don't believe in what was shown in those, then it's a waste. A brain that has maximum Alpha wave suppression, requires electrical shocks to bump up the electrical circuitry of the brain. I think I'll leave it at that. 2) Homicide and Terrorism are two different...
  4. Viper0011.

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    1) I don't thin your thick mind is getting it, just like it didn't get the concept that Hindus killing others is just as terrorism as anyone else killing innocents. 2) I did provide you with a bunch of links and videos. See below for more details. You easily ignored all facts and are still...
  5. Viper0011.

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    So..... Hindu nationalists murderes can kill innocent civilians in silence and rape as many muslim and christian women as they want to.....because of your lobby, you pay media to shut up so therefore no issues exist??? I have no words to further argue with utter lack of humanity and total show...
  6. Viper0011.

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    What are you? Official speaker for Shiv Sena? Sins for Muslims? Coming out of a Hindu women's post where women, as of TODAY in many parts of India have to be burnt / die when their husband's pass away. This is Minus 20 century stuff. A country where minorities are killed in broad day light and...
  7. Viper0011.

    25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'

    Oh wait......what's coming up?? The Indian Mujahedeen after Hindu Taliban killed innocent minorities just a few days ago??? I hope India stops this stuff otherwise this will eventually turn into sectarian violence more than they can handle, just like what Pakistan is going through after...
  8. Viper0011.

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    I hate to bust your buble of hate. But here, the treatment of Saudi's isn't because Islam teaches them. Unlike your Hinduism, that separates people in classes and they should treat the lower cast ones according to their "lower level"....., Islam on the other hand eliminates the class difference...
  9. Viper0011.

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    I can understand the caution there that Japan doesn't have a huge flow of immigration. However, you should also remember that Japanese people are extremely nice, respectful and polite. When you are that welcoming, you can handle anything. Plus Japan historically has been able to run on top due...
  10. Viper0011.

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    Wait......are you saying that the Muslims brought down others because of immigration? Your post started somewhat decent and then it got hazzy as fog. Do elaborate. I'd love to see some fact based statistic..... I don't think either are acceptable or should be acceptable to normal humans. But...
  11. Viper0011.

    Pakistan has placed order of Russian Gunship Helicopters - Dawn

    As per your OWN reminder...the discussion was "PAF getting attack helicopters....:confused:". Why are you trying to derail the thread??? I am so much on the American side that you can consider me Christopher Columbus part II. Hope this answers. Now if you cared to read my posts here, instead of...
  12. Viper0011.

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    Interesting. While I agree that JFT has good capability for Pakistan - India scenario or for other smaller countries....it didn't really mean that the Chinese tech is the best. The JFT's capability has a LOT of input from Pakistan due to their exposure to the -16's. There is no "anti-China"...
  13. Viper0011.

    First Mi-35 and Now $ 900 M Aid? Would it be too much to Swallow?

    Dude, and I was tired of seeing terrorism, national security, weapons acquisition, going to bathroom and buying cars.....everything on here getting linked to SOMEONE's GDP by you guys. It'd be nice if the discussion doesn't jump from -16's BVR capabilities to AMRAAM being super expensive or...
  14. Viper0011.

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    Everything starts from something. There are people who say that American space capability exited in the 60's due to German's captured V2 in WWII (almost 80 years ago). Is that really true? Similarly, the -22 is the most lethal and stealthy plane every existed. But it's design was taken initially...
  15. Viper0011.

    Russia backs Pakistan's SCO bid, willing to boost ties | Sergey Lavrov

    Something I've been saying all along and our Indian members here didn't like the fact. Here's another proof of the future through a very visible Crystal ball.
  16. Viper0011.

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Its interesting how you guys put India next to the USA. Hillarious. Wana beeeees!! The US has its own interests. You can take it out and keep yourself in the conversation. There is PLENTY of US representation here. We don't need you to tag us to create impressions. Btw, you security...
  17. Viper0011.

    First Mi-35 and Now $ 900 M Aid? Would it be too much to Swallow?

    Oh God!!! Not again, the *****ing 200 billion dollar GDP has to come into everything, including when I take a pis*. What's wrong with you people? This is an example of people with new money. People from a country of over half a BILLION people without proper bedding, can boast about the little...
  18. Viper0011.

    Emirates Airlines imposes lifetime ban on Qadri: report

    I agree with the airline. These stupid illiterate politician make your country look bad and third class. This guy should be sent to jail for disrupting people's lives and not to mention, forcing an airline's jet to remain on the ground. What is wrong with you guys? Look at how you put these...
  19. Viper0011.

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    You guys are missing a key point. When a system is being introduced, majority of the flights are for testing operational avionics, weapons, training, etc. For these roles, 45 minutes may be a standard. Pakistan's depth is not too much so a jet flying at 600 miles an hour (which is pretty normal)...
  20. Viper0011.

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    I can totally hear the distinct roar of the PW F-100 engine......and very precise bombings I must say. The PAF is conducting this operation similar to how the US Military conducts similar ops. Good to see the level of expertise and little loss of soldiers that has happened so far. The world will...
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