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  1. twofriends

    Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

    There are some people who are trying to confuse Pakistani Nation that Pakistan was made as a secular state. They are running a media campaign. I think there must be a war against these traitors on media and online and on ground.
  2. twofriends

    Call of Jihad against Inncoent citizens

    Killing of even a single innocent person is against Islam
  3. twofriends

    Imran Khan Introduces Political Webinars in Pakistan

    Imran khan is a person with vision. He is only hope now
  4. twofriends

    The Ten Worst Hosts on Pakistani Television

    They all must leave this job and apply for somewhere else
  5. twofriends

    Imran Khan on Khari-Baat.

    Imran Khan keep it up nation is with you but try to focus on constituencies as well make some model constituencies
  6. twofriends

    When two great men strike - Edhi on Imran Khan.

    Imran Khan and Edhi both are assets of Pakistan
  7. twofriends

    Faisal Raza Abidi torpedo azad adalia (must watch)

    Justice delayed Justice denied and this is what is actually happening in Pakistani courts and if you are not agreed please check the pendency of cases then comment here
  8. twofriends

    Habib Jalib, nazm videos.

    This is awesome. There are many people who served the nation as a political worker like Faiz, Shorash etc but these people always suffer by the crualty of rulers because these people always try to show them real face but they always mind that. I salute these heros
  9. twofriends

    Be good

    Political trends changed in Pakistan after Zia era. Now politics in Pakistan is a source of business and a way to earn money
  10. twofriends

    The Amazing Pakistan

    Pakistan is having really awesome sources and resources but still suffering because of bad leadership. If Pakistan get a true and sincere leader this country can lead the world
  11. twofriends

    Who Killed Zia ul-Haq?

    Very simple CIA and USA because it is their way of working that they use people and then kill them
  12. twofriends

    Salahuddin Ayyubi

    Sultan ayubi was a really great person and a person who made a history for Muslims. great person
  13. twofriends

    Youm-i-Takbeer: Like a lovers' secret.

    Hmmm It was a great achievement for Pakistan. Our neuclar program is not for war it is for peace
  14. twofriends

    The Great Muslim Warriors

    Hazrat Ali Ibn e Talib AS
  15. twofriends

    Poles in PAF

    AOA really nice information. it is awesome. thanks for such a nice sharing
  16. twofriends

    Pakistan army UN peace keeping documentry.

    Pakistan Army is doing a great job on international level and it is the best serving army all over the world. we proud of our soldiers. They are really men at their best services. Pakistan love you keep it up
  17. twofriends

    Today is birthday of Sawar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed

    Salute to all National Heroes
  18. twofriends

    Past matters

    100% agreed we can learn from our past in present to build a better future
  19. twofriends

    Christian Fantics Support Israeli Atrocities

    Hmm really informative discussion trying to learn something from here. I am a student of History. SO reading this thread to gain knowledge. thanks
  20. twofriends

    Pakistani Forces against Militants.

    In which country Army kills its own citizens?
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