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    IAF to increase level of its force in Andaman and Nicobar

    my only problem is i hav spoken th truth nd asked some hard factual questions.
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    IAF to increase level of its force in Andaman and Nicobar

    Chinese wil find it much more easier 2 invade vietnam than india u indians already hav a great natural wall named Himalaya stil u cant hav th faith on urself 2 take on chinese shame on u Indians al are cowards nd cowards wil never win a war no matter how much weapon a coward has. Tats th reason...
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    IAF to increase level of its force in Andaman and Nicobar

    its not a number game man its a mind game nd Indians already lost in tat mind game if a person thinks tat he cant win a game no matter how much he practices in th time of game he wil lose it nd i se same thing has happened wit th Indians, no doubt why ppl consider India nd Indians as cowards...
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    Royal Saudi Airforce Vs Israel Airforce

    No bro its nothing 2 do wit secularism its th truth nd its proven u se hitler tried it nd failed arabs tried it for so many decades but they failed miserably, its written in h bible u cant beat jews as they r chosen by th God 2 protect th world frm th evil. No one can beat them and muslims r so...
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    Royal Saudi Airforce Vs Israel Airforce

    1st beat Israel then come nd talk or else u wil become a joker as arabs r neither technologically nor militarily nor mentally developed than Israelis.
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    Royal Saudi Airforce Vs Israel Airforce

    no one can beat them or abolish them frm th world nd its proven again nd again. Israel has largest no. of defence agreements with India nd lots of secrets projects r gong on between this 2 kntries nd seng this defence growth I doubt in future arabs hav any chance 2 beat Israel. ----------...
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    IAF to increase level of its force in Andaman and Nicobar

    India's biggest advantage which i saw India's often fail 2 acknowledge is Indian Army's awesome war experience nd its th most active army in asia. Here PLA has serious problem as its army has ben sitting in peace for last 30yrs. Most of ppl often fail 2 see this very important aspect of war...
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    Royal Saudi Airforce Vs Israel Airforce

    Israelis r God's chosen ppl none can defeat them no matter how much this muslims cry nd try 2 do evil things they simply cant face Israel.
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    IAF to increase level of its force in Andaman and Nicobar

    can India face Chinese Aggression wat u think?
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    Army to induct 'offensive' corps along China border

    ppl like u r th biggest shame 4 any kntry as u guys loose a war before it starts b brave nd fight like man dont b a sissy at leat try 2 learn frem Viets they r a small nation wit low resources still they say 2 chinese tat bring on we r ready for th war India shud get rid of this coward ppl. Till...
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    Army to induct 'offensive' corps along China border

    the thing tat worries me ius th lack of war experience of PLA comared to IA who have th most war experince at present in asia even NATO forces go 2 India 2 train in MOuntain warfare tactics nd counter insurgency tactics. THe CHina vs India war wil b faught in the himalayan mountains, so PLA shud...
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    Army to induct 'offensive' corps along China border

    it wud not b wise for PLA 2 hav a direct fight wit IA as in asia IA ia th most active army nd they hav th best mountain division in th world, IA is very much battle hardened army thanks 2 th lots of insurgency they r dealng wit even they hav their secret presence in afganistan also so China has...
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    Ship-borne MiG-29KUB jet for Indian Navy crashes in Russia

    hello dejected US salesman why r u worried there r many products which u hav in ur bag which we may cosider 2 buy, u shudnt talk 2 ur customers like tat orelse u wil lose ur contracts.
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    Ship-borne MiG-29KUB jet for Indian Navy crashes in Russia

    hello salesman how r u, I need some planes can u pls arrange a demo flight for me.
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    Nuclear experts killed in Russia plane crash helped design Iran facility

    I hav not sen an army of kntry like India so ill-iquiped nd ill-trained its seems like some 3rd world kntry army similar 2 congo or somalia or chad. Indian army uniform nd their helmet nd tat gun is like 18th century weapons they r using, common do something good quikly orelse if war breaks out...
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    Nuclear experts killed in Russia plane crash helped design Iran facility

    dear brother can u pls tel why India being so big stil act like a coward nation no progress in defence manufacturng tech, se nd learn frm China how developed tehy r in terms of defence maufacturng, 1 shud always learn frm his powerful enemy nd try 2 utilise tat in his life, but i dont think...
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    Nuclear experts killed in Russia plane crash helped design Iran facility

    u hav no idea how powerful mossad is nd their capabilities r regarded as th best in th world nd in asia they hav th biggest presence in India assisting India's raw. There r at present lots of secret projects gong on between India nd Israel which r controlled by both th 2 intelligence...
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