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  1. S

    INDIAN AWACS PROJECT - DRDO Targeting 2011 For Project Completion

    Well Phalcon is not a joint venture..!! But US helps Israel a lot in their programmes and gives them many critical components! Which is quite difficult to get for other nations!!!
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    INDIAN AWACS PROJECT - DRDO Targeting 2011 For Project Completion

    How can it be a waste of time if we induct more AWACS?
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    Security threat: DRDO to make own OS

    Well at the documents related to f-35 which were hacked were not sensitive and were stored on comps without much of security..!!Thats why it was hacked!! Dont think americans are dumb..!! The store sensitive documents only on comps offline..!! We do it to!! Its just that even the unimportant...
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    DRDO developing cyber attack proof OS

    Well..! This is very much possible if you get the hardware and start building an operating system from scratch, whose structure and codes are unknown to anyone so the os like mac os x, windows etc. will not be able to execute files in the os developed by drdo..!! ---------- Post added at 07:03...
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    India to buy six more C-17 airlifters from US

    Hey!! i have a doubt..!! How does the IAF make sure they give us good and new aircraft not used ones!! I mean any aircraft for that matter which is being imported how do they make sure it is new?????? How do they make sure it is just come out of manufacturing and reached us immediately after...
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    "Attrition rate among scientists in DRDO almost zero now"

    I have to say something!!!! DRDO is a good organisation not the standard of ISRO etc. but my god there are awesome people!!!Just because of their awesome skills americans now want to join drdo for many defence related development!! They have removed us their list of unrecognized organisations...
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    DRDO under scanner for supply of faulty bullet-proof vests

    Karkare was wearing a very good quality vest... The problem was it was type 2... Not suited for AK-47's.. It bullets would go through like butter
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    Security threat: DRDO to make own OS

    It is possible... Unhackable means it is very difficult not truly unhackable.. Nothing is unhackable.. Its like calling something perfect, it may take many years to find a potential flaw.... A good example.. OpenVMS.... Microsoft is not that interested in security because it knows people will...
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