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  1. SesameWasher

    A crazy video: The Truth About the "Useless" F-35 & F-22

    No no no. I just put "" on my topic I know it was retard but I just want see what other people think about it
  2. SesameWasher

    Is M4A1 has 16-inch barrel version for military?

    another question: is TAR-21 more accruacy than M4A1 (14.5inch)?
  3. SesameWasher

    Is M4A1 has 16-inch barrel version for military?

    I just saw they used 14.5 inches but I never thought they used 16-inch barrel..
  4. SesameWasher

    A crazy video: The Truth About the "Useless" F-35 & F-22

    so what do you think about:F-4 vs. MiG-21?
  5. SesameWasher

    The Truth about 'War on terror'

    I wanna say something but I am afraid. Only two things I want to say is that Indian was not the enemy, and I think that Bin laden lying on the bed is made by Photoshop
  6. SesameWasher

    A crazy video: The Truth About the "Useless" F-35 & F-22

    sorry but what is "red flag is the best event to know one's enemy" mean? I can't understand
  7. SesameWasher

    sorry about morning

    Thanks, I will remember
  8. SesameWasher

    A crazy video: The Truth About the "Useless" F-35 & F-22

    I really don't know that "PACAFs Pacific Vision on sept 25/08" is exist or not. I mean did they have this exercise already? also @Mods dont know where to post this or is this post was breaking the rules in this forum...if this is the wrong section or breaking the rules please move it or delete...
  9. SesameWasher

    A crazy video: The Truth About the "Useless" F-35 & F-22

    this video is the most frantic video I ever watched well, maybe the people in youtube mostly was crazy... It says: Then Truth Revealed by the United States Department of Defense, the United States Air Force (USAF), the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the US RAND Corporation Research ANd...
  10. SesameWasher

    sorry about morning

    Yeah I know about that but I don't know how to say it. my grammar still sucks.
  11. SesameWasher

    sorry about morning

    by the way are you lived in China? I just heard my friend says they blocked this forum already.
  12. SesameWasher

    sorry about morning

    Thanks I am Chinese but I lived in American. and no I didn't introduce myself now.
  13. SesameWasher

    sorry about morning

    next time I'm gonna be careful.
  14. SesameWasher

    sorry about morning

    about Fighter jets. whatever, let it past, I don't care about that.
  15. SesameWasher

    sorry about morning

    That I was put wrong post in members club...Sorry
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