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  1. S

    US drone strike kills three in North Waziristan

    I think the Job of pakistan intellegence is only to report when and where Drone attack occured. to sad that the so called nuclear armed pakistan can't drown the three legged drone
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    Pakistan to help Srilanka build nuclear plant alarms India

    yeh they keep publishing these things, I will believe it when I it actually happens.
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    US Apologizes to Pakistan For Salala Attack

    pakistan did not actually needed an apology from U.S , what they needed was press glory. just like when they released raymond davis.
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    US Apologizes to Pakistan For Salala Attack

    one can interpret it anyways it want, as long as the GLOC's are being opened, U.S should be fine with it as well as pakistan. anways from the department of state press release, they feel sorry for the american military losses. just like they feel sorry for the drone attack deaths. but anyways...
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    Pasha assured of greater Pak role in Afghan talks

    don't worry india just signed an agreement with them to supply them with wheat.
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    Yellow Tata Nano cabs in Sri Lanka

    what nonsense is that, how come cabs don't threaten indian tuk-tuk
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    IAF briefs Lockheed Martin on MMRCA deal..

    unicorn, I'am not so sure that India will go with rafale. just recently India signed up france to upgrade it mirage 200 fleet worth $2.7 billion. I think this MMRCA is going to EF typhoon. Also there are couple of reasons in favor of typoon: political : 1) spain and italy are going...
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    U.S.-India nuclear deal drifts dangerously

    that's only for ENR technologies. also this not the final decision on ENR.
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    8 killed, 12 injured as Karachi violence continues

    I think it's another bangladesh in the making. India has realized that balochistan won't become and independent state unless sindh is separated from pakistan. balochinstan simply doesn't have that critical mass to become an independent nation.
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    PEW says Imran Khan is the most popular politician in Pakistan !

    being an Indian I regularly watch lots of pakistani politics. Initially I used to think that he was not mature enough, but now I'm seeing lot of maturity in him. may be initially media did not pay much attention to him, but his view are resonating. this guy is a real deal not a bluff like any...
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    Pakistan got nuclear weapons with Chinese help: US Senator

    but there is one difference, India's nuclear assets have been legitimized after 2008 civil nuclear deal. but that not the case with Pakistan. anyways jut to let you know sindh is the next balochistan. just wait for couple of years and watch what happens to sindh. you can keep your nuclear...
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    Focus of Afghan war is shifting eastward

    keep producing terrorists ( freedom fighters ). what will happen when India does the same to you ?
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    10 killed in Waziristan drone attacks

    you know it's amazing, when it comes to india your government is ready to go to any extent in making sure that they are not to be seen as giving Pakistani interest even by an inch. but when it comes to U.S and china they are literally raping your sovereignty and your parliament keep its mouth...
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    10 killed in Waziristan drone attacks

    I for one believe that US should now leave as early as possible. I mean even innocent people are getting radicalized by these drone attacks. but given the US history germany, japan, iraq and I don't think they will leave any time soon. ask your government to honor the joint statement passed by...
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    One by one, victims of drone attacks full of condemnation

    the radicalization will keep going on. I'm not sure if this thing will end anytime soon. I think radicalization happened slowly and it will take a lot of time to get rid of it. I know when things happened in punjab ( india ) after 1984. till this day punjab has not recovered economically. I'm...
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    Pakistan will get past this phase of terrorism & violence

    But there is one stark difference, sri lanka never lied to its own people. where as pakistan has lied to it's people all along ( ever since independence ). terrorism is not a big problem for pakistan, they have lied so much that truth is like poison to them. there is no easy respite. Also the US...
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    Balochistan: Greater realism in China & Iran

    yes khalistan can survive only if it can be a separate state. there time was after 1984 , and that is long gone. yet again your army screwed it up and were unsuccessful. India gave so many chances to pakistan be it in kashmir, in punjab or assam. your guys literally screwed it up. this makes me...
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    Balochistan: Greater realism in China & Iran

    didn't bangladesh survive ?
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    Balochistan: Greater realism in China & Iran

    that's exactly my point, there are no more Patriotic bolch left anymore. the only Patriotic bolch left are the indians on your eastern border. trust me kashmir will have a payback. india has sustained kashmir even though pakistan has a land border with it. pakistan won't survive when india start...
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    Balochistan: Greater realism in China & Iran

    well it may be a good wish for you. the situation in pakistan is much more perilous than in india. the reason balouch have not been able to get a separate state is because india so far has refused to play a catalyst role. even bangladesh wouldn't have become a separate state without india's...
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