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  1. A

    China starts "combat ready" patrols in disputed seas

    You reap what you sow. that is absolutely right on vietnam. vietnam is now losing islands. that is what the vietnam reaps because of their invasion to cambodia. We support china. all islands are belong to china! vietnam is demon hiding behind the mask of monk! Cambodia to cede two villages to...
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    China Catching Up With India on R&D Investment

    recently, found lots of articles like this. i skeptic about the true purposes behind these writings. these writing purposes are to stimulate nationalism in many countries and to guide these nationalisms into confrontation.
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    yup, you are smart enough to understand that you are brown noser. is that what you mean?
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    you guys should approach from their shame like this!
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    Thousands of scientists and historians? can you list them all? are they from vietnam and racist? without the DNA test, your racist researchers eschewed the fact and misled stupid people like you. poor guys!
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    see, everybody! as expected, they start revealing their true face finally. they just turned from sycophants into a tyrants! who should shut up? of course, vietnam brown nosers!
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    vn is the main pproblem of hmong. without the occupation of VN, hmong people did not need to flee from lao following Vang leader. the current lao's gov was built and controlled by VN after the occupation. they of course side with vn in dealing with hmong issue.
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    vietnamese history books do not show you the dark and evil sides of VN history. VN occupied Hmong territory. then, Vietnam fought against hmong during war, most hmong people then fled to US. maybe hmong is original from china. what about vietnamese? dare not state that you are descendant of...
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    Japan Calls for China To Explain Aircraft Carrier

    what they started is their matter! and, that is what the matter for VN? a brown noser is bragging for others but saying nothing for himself :pdf:
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    VN has been suppressing hmong for many years. so, we need to show its true face.
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    and these are very stupid answers from vietnamese people. how many people and how many countries looking down on china? is it the whole world or only some countries (you presumed) your allies? and also, you should count the same thing to see how many people and how many countries looking down on...
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    China seeks to enhance military cooperation with Thailand

    right now, VN is doing its best to pull a bunch of countries with them. in the short term, VN dares not show its true color and acts like a brown noser. in the history, 18th century, Siem troop had entered VN. during cambodia war, VN intruded far into thailand border after suppressing Kampot...
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    US: No F-16 sales to Taiwan

    i think arm sales to taiwan may turn out to be a good news. after reunification, all the advance techs that USA sales to taiwan now will be copied and modified into chinese versions
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    China Enters the Indian Ocean

    well, i guess idian would welcome china to help Pakistan, some african countries and Myanmar, which are around india, to build military and shipping centers to compete with indian in term of both military and economics.
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    China Enters the Indian Ocean

    Well, If the presense of China in indian ocean is legal. why does indian worry so much? I see the the difference is that Indian enters to dispute areas, not the vietnam's territory, without consulting all disputers. so is that the courtesy behavior of indian?
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    China Enters the Indian Ocean

    this is smart choice for China! India dared to confront China in south china sea, let see who contains who, and what India losses and gains when they form an axis with Vietnam.
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    India concerned over military gap with China

    you are right that military prowess not always related economy, like russia for example. India may easily become military prowess because that is what the west and japanese want. they may give all weapons to india for free but india must constraint china for them!
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    China denies arms sales to Gaddafi regime

    do not exclude the possibilty that some countries hiding behind this accusation in order to kick china companies out and seize china's investment there after the war!
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    Philippine president back from China with US$13 billion deals

    why the viet guys dont make vietnam forum instead of posting here? first, that is because they have nothing else good to show but invective and laughing at china! Secondly, many US, CA and Au guys who is original vietnamese have a machination to involve every country around china and make...
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    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    why the viet guys dont make vietnam forum instead of posting here? first, that is because they have nothing else good to show but invective and laughing at china! Secondly, many US, CA and Au guys who is original vietnamese have a machination to involve every country around china and make...
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