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  1. The_Sidewinder

    IAF MiG-21 pilot awarded medal for saving aircraft twice last year

    Thank god MKI took over the bases in Assam. Fly by manuvours of MKI's just mesmerises us. Gud by to vintage migs. We gonna miss their roar.
  2. The_Sidewinder

    DRDO parachute to drop heavy combat vehicles from IL-76

    long time to go before induction of FICV ,DRDO will be able to upgrade the system by then to paradrop arnament in excess of 20 ton. I am sure about that.
  3. The_Sidewinder

    India has recently conducted field trial tests with new local-made Arjun Mk-II main battle tank

    Nice looks. May be we could do with some experts point of view about the flaws.
  4. The_Sidewinder

    BSF puts anti-sniping measures along Indo-Pak border

    Good steps taken. A soldiers life should always be the highest priority.
  5. The_Sidewinder

    India make History, Mars Orbiter Spacecraft Successfully placed in Mars Transfer

    Congratulations to every1 involved with the mission.
  6. The_Sidewinder

    India to acquire 15 US-2i aircraft from Japan after defence minister’s visit

    Really informative post. Thank You. Impressed by the size of the aircraft and its range. Will prove to be saviours of many life at danger in future for sure.
  7. The_Sidewinder

    T-99 Armata MBT production to start in 2016

    And in no time it will be inducted to Indian Army to be honest.
  8. The_Sidewinder

    India to strengthen Andaman and Nicobar Command

    Its just speculation for future. Theres minimum chances of such an effort being granted by govt. No need to let other forces to use our own territory, because who know in future the same territory can be used against us.
  9. The_Sidewinder

    The military Role of "East Pakistan"-Bangladesh in 1965 against India

    okey, point well taken. But you assume that western front will be dominated by PAF. Why so? Give a valid argument.
  10. The_Sidewinder

    Had Operation Chengiz Khan not happened,could Bangladesh been created?

    Wouldn't it be better if you just follow your own text book. Arundhati Roy is a traitor, she only wakes up when some terrorist given death penalty by court, & her human rights mode activates. But when own country men gets killed, Miss AR Just enjoys cup of tea peacefully at home. About other...
  11. The_Sidewinder

    India Eyes Spike, Javelin Buys

    great development. IA is in dire need of those ATGMs.
  12. The_Sidewinder

    The military Role of "East Pakistan"-Bangladesh in 1965 against India

    The main problem is that people other than Indians believe that Indian army is a coward force. The same army which soldiers didn't even retreat against overwhelmed Chineese forces in 1962. Most of our soldiers fought till the last bullet before being put to death against overwhelming enemy. We...
  13. The_Sidewinder

    Had Operation Chengiz Khan not happened,could Bangladesh been created?

    Yesterday read an article related to history books of class 10 students( in both Bangladesh & Pakistaam) about 1971 war. In history books of Bangladesh, its clearly written about the causes of struggle to liberate bangladesh from west pakistani forces. It is as per international standerd. The...
  14. The_Sidewinder

    Vikramaditya to combat Pak, China on high seas

    Feel good artice. Useless journalism. Inviting another trollfest.
  15. The_Sidewinder

    The military Role of "East Pakistan"-Bangladesh in 1965 against India

    Hmmmm. One of the biggest blunders made by pakistaani army.
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