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  1. salvage

    Defeated US leaving Iraq quietly!!

    did america found wmd's in iraq or not?
  2. salvage

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    I hope iran shares the drone with China and Pakistan....hopefully we can incorporate its materials on our block-II of JF-17.....
  3. salvage

    Pakistan may attend Afghan talks, claim sources

    Dosent matters if a peon from Foreign Ministry attends or the Foreign Minister herself....attendance is attendace and we should refrain from it at all cost.
  4. salvage

    US airdrops supplies in east Afghanistan

    obama wants to get out of afghanistan so that he can rally support for the upcoming next general elections....american senators belonging to zionist lobby on the other hand dont want that........they want to weaken Nuclear Pakistan at the expense of Americans only to follow in the footsteps of...
  5. salvage

    Australia ruling party endorses gay marriage

    gays should be tried by indian supreme court for spreading aids.
  6. salvage

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Shamsi should be converted into a museum....a stark reminder of its bloody past.
  7. salvage

    US airdrops supplies in east Afghanistan

    Winter war-fare in Afghanistan is approaching and these air-drops would cost americans alot of money....and coupled with monthly body-bags...General elections approaching and Bankruptcy looming over USA....things look pretty bad for uncle sam.:wave:
  8. salvage

    Should we allow Nato free rein to attack and kill people?

    Pakistan should never open its routes for Nato again after this deadly raid.
  9. salvage

    Pakistan's Long Reach felt in Afghanistan.

    proves Afghanistan is Pakistan and together we will prosper once the occupation is over.....IMO confederation of Pakistan and Afghanistan would be in the interest of Afghan pashtun majority and other small ethnic groups.
  10. salvage

    Bangladesh eyes $1b from tourism

    our civilization goes back to 8000 B.C starting from MaherGerh...:enjoy: anyways best of luck :agree:
  11. salvage

    A Chinese Nuclear Power Plant Engineer's Experience in Pakistan

    can u translate the gist of this article?
  12. salvage

    Future of Bangladesh

    imo a greater bengladesh comprising up of modern day bengladesh and occupied states of west bengal and orissa is in the interest of asia........bengladeshi youth can contribute towards the naxalite cause from their pocket money if they want to contribute to the cause and become a part of change.
  13. salvage

    Insurgent & Secessionist movements in India

    india's insurgency problem is hopeless...this is what happens when u supress people and discriminate on basis of religion and castes.
  14. salvage

    Topol-M ballistic missile

    will it explode if shot by one round from a 9mm hand-gun?
  15. salvage

    Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

    Islamabad is the gateway to Central Asia....once you are in Islamabad...mood changes,weather changes,topography changes and lot of other stuff changes like smell of atmosphere....and u know what i am talking about if u have been to islamabad. December ki shaam aur barish ka paani by XeeRoX...
  16. salvage

    Australia ruling party endorses gay marriage

    havent you read your scriptures??:what: Leviticus 18:22. "V'ish asher yishkav et zachar mishk'vei ishah to'evah asu shneihem mot yumatu d'meihem bam." "If a man lies with a male, as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood...
  17. salvage

    website wont load last page in threads

    you too re-install your windows
  18. salvage

    Unearthing Pakistan’s natural resources

    let us all dig our homes ...who knows we might be having worlds largest uranium reserves right under our beds.
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