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  1. S

    MMRCA aircrafts to be deployed to face chinese threat in North East !!

    By the current situation I was referring to the position vis a vis Pakistan and China. Russia is a different case and I am not really bothered about the so called snub. The way I see it, it will hurt them more than India if they push their luck too far. Their attitude is more childish and...
  2. S

    MMRCA aircrafts to be deployed to face chinese threat in North East !!

    Its OK to talk about strategic/tactical strikes sitting 12000 miles away and a totally different thing to consider when you are right next door to someone. I am not advocating anything here but stating the reality...India lives in a troubled neighbourhood and it has not taken the right...
  3. S

    MMRCA aircrafts to be deployed to face chinese threat in North East !!

    EUMA is something that is an issue with only US supplied HW and none of the other vendors seem too bothered about what we do with the equipment someone buys for top dollars, so that is something that we will be seeing the US change in the near future. Time will tell. Hypothetically dont think...
  4. S

    MMRCA aircrafts to be deployed to face chinese threat in North East !!

    Not sure if you are shying away from the real issue here but I was referring to these countries as per their political and international standings vis a vis various issues. I think you should really start looking at India without the slumdog glasses...
  5. S

    MMRCA aircrafts to be deployed to face chinese threat in North East !!

    I think the India of today does not want to see itself as a client state like UK, Australia, Japan etc, actually it was hard for even the India of the 70s to be seen that way so the economically and politically more assertive India of today would not prefer to be constrained by the alphabet soup...
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