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  1. S

    The CIA Network Inside Pakistan

    I dont think so............read below what US press is saying: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer Report May 5, 2011 The immediate reaction by most across the world upon hearing of “Bin Laden’s” death was that...
  2. S

    The CIA Network Inside Pakistan

    Webster Tarpley an american historian states '....Bin Laden Reality TV a Mass Brainwashing PsyOp Seeking to Establish Fake Treasure Trove of Terabytes that will be Used to Target US Adversaries Worldwide; Growing Momentum Towards False Flag Attack to be Blamed on Pakistan via al Qaeda..'
  3. S

    The CIA Network Inside Pakistan

    Former Assistant Sec. of State for 3 US presidents says top general admitted 9/11 was a false flag Posted on Pakalert on May 9, 2011 // 2 Comments [Translate] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Wednesday...
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