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  1. teddy

    Second batch of J-10B

    No, I believe it was just a Pakistan version of j-10b, or so called FC20. That's why the series number is 201, which refer to FC20. It was not possible to role out a j10c while j10b had just finish the test.
  2. teddy

    Interesting photo... comparative testing of future stealth bombers

    It looks like a steath UAV with single engine
  3. teddy

    Chinese Submarines

    Why did the tail is so weir?
  4. teddy

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    If it is a 75% scale model, it means the real one will be 64m wide
  5. teddy

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    Yes! I think it is a scale model. I found this document on internet, it mentioned about a 25% smaller scale model design, the full scale version will be the chinese CV2!! There is two catapult system
  6. teddy

    Qing class submarine was acturally a SLBM testing vehicle(confirmed)

    Peoples keep thinking why the hump is so big. But the recent photo gave us an answer. Please notice the fat belly, the design was same with the golf class SLBM submarine, it was in order to contain the SLBM.
  7. teddy

    J-10B - Information

    A unmanned steath bomber in diamond shape was in development...I bellieve.
  8. teddy

    US X-37B Likely Spying on China’s Space Station

    Not very impressive. china had already answer by this....
  9. teddy

    Problems and Prospects for China’s Ship-Based Aviation Program

    CV crew is searching any obstacle that potentially threaten the aircraft takeoff/landing. It means they are doing perparetion of J15 takeoff/landing. Notice their uniform are in different colour.
  10. teddy

    China opens 2012 with ZiYuan-3 launch via Long March 4B

    But CZ-5 will not be use for manned lunar mission, because the LEO payload is 25 ton only, which is just powerful than Arian 5, but it is not enough to goto the moon. There is another 130ton LEO super rocket in development, and it will be the one go to the moon. Left is CZ5 right is 130ton...
  11. teddy

    Problems and Prospects for China’s Ship-Based Aviation Program

    Quality?? I don't know.... at least those people who had broad INS ship, doesn't think so.:bad: Time and quality are not related. Some people can do things quickly and high quality, and other one can also finnish their job slowly and bad quality.
  12. teddy

    J-10B - Information

    有源相控阵 is AESA?? THats good news!
  13. teddy

    J-10B - Information

    It has been confirmed that the rader on J-10B and Y8 AWACS , KJ2000 is PESA. And china are not developing AESA, You could see this chinese artical. PLS do google translate...
  14. teddy

    China warns US on Asia military strategy

    Yes china don't want to make any trouble right now, you could see their policy in south china sea and other dispute with foreign country. Why they are acting so coward? Because china always have a plan, and they love to done jobs step by step with patient, this is the charater of chinese. Other...
  15. teddy

    Chinese Air Force (PLAAF) News & Discussions

    Actually, the first batch of 24 su-27 had already retired. they are too old and out dated.
  16. teddy

    China to make 100 rocket and 100 satellite launches in five years

    Don't worry, russia will be far behind of china in every way.
  17. teddy

    JL-2 test is succesful today

    The most distrustive nuclear warhead of china is 3 million ton TNT, about 25 times of the one destoryed Hiroshima.
  18. teddy

    Russia refuses to sell arresters for Chinese aircraft carrier

    Could it be this one? A CV like object building in a shipyard.
  19. teddy

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    It is more likely a helicopter carrier。 Or a ship use for paving cable under ocean.
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