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  1. egypt128

    IDF Attache in Moscow Deported for Allegedly Spying

    IDF Attache in Moscow Deported for Allegedly Spying IDF Colonel Vadim Liderman, detained by Russian authorities in Moscow on suspicion of espionage and then deported earlier this week, did nothing wrong the IDF spokesperson's office said Wednesday. Liderman, the Defense Ministry said in a...
  2. egypt128

    Egyptian Armed Forces

  3. egypt128

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Israeli army VS citizens :rofl: :rofl::rofl:
  4. egypt128

    Egyptian Armed Forces

  5. egypt128

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    What's the name of these
  6. egypt128

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    What's the problem to my question ??
  7. egypt128

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Does Egypt have mig-29 and rafale and mirage 2000:help:
  8. egypt128

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    M60 AND M1AI, But where m1a2 ,m1a3
  9. egypt128

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Egypt has a great army
  10. egypt128

    Israel Defense Forces

    good :disagree::disagree:
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