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  1. chops4d

    Chechens killed in Quetta were unarmed: witnesses

    u r making everybody mental here, please post sources of chechen suicide attacks or shut up please
  2. chops4d

    Drone Attacks Statistics

    nice table :lol:, intelligent way to make tables :tup:
  3. chops4d

    Chechens killed in Quetta were unarmed: witnesses

    i asked you to provide source when chechens bomb blasted themselves
  4. chops4d

    Drone Attacks Statistics

    this needs to be done, but military will never release those statistics
  5. chops4d

    Pakistan Cricket Board removes Shahid Afridi as ODI team captain

    tanveer ahmed who performed superbly in 2 test series with avg of 2 wickets per innings was also kicked out for what???
  6. chops4d

    Drone Attacks Statistics

    one drone attack every 3 days last year,another fact of PPP failed govt, what a joke 99% innocents killed, women and children killed
  7. chops4d

    On May 21, the world will end! --- Finally!!!

    because awaam are already been killed, army and govt will soon go to hell too
  8. chops4d

    Chechens killed in Quetta were unarmed: witnesses

    bhai jaan FC are related to army and is led by army officers read the quote
  9. chops4d

    On May 21, the world will end! --- Finally!!!

    gud news for pakistan
  10. chops4d

    Chechens killed in Quetta were unarmed: witnesses

    FC are related to army, FC murdered those ladies, police didnt open fire, FC is also responsible to carry out murders against balochs police doesnt have guts to brutally kill civilians like this
  11. chops4d

    Chechens killed in Quetta were unarmed: witnesses

    are you the moral brigade here, im not insulting anybody, the guy must tak sense, thats all i have mentioned and im not trolling on army, im simply stating the facts, if u respect the army for some reaons, that your father is army or what ever, thats not my problem, most pakistanis are...
  12. chops4d

    Pakistan Cricket Board removes Shahid Afridi as ODI team captain

    what the fuckkkkkkkkkkk??????????????????????????? PCB is run by mum's milk drinking immature kids or what???
  13. chops4d

    Chechens killed in Quetta were unarmed: witnesses

    abe kia simple english samagh nahi aati, police admitted, those women were not terrorists, do you understand farsi or what??
  14. chops4d

    Chechens killed in Quetta were unarmed: witnesses

    the witnesses and the medical reports have proved them to be innocents, infact the criminals are those army guys who made false statements, that the women carried grenades and suicide vests
  15. chops4d

    Chechens killed in Quetta were unarmed: witnesses

    abe bas ker apne nonsense!!!!
  16. chops4d

    Pakistan Army must wake up and smell the coffee.

    there is no islamist threat, there is only american threat, there is no osama bin laden there is only american propaganda at work, the imaginary islamists are already a creation of american minds and our deceptive media, there were no islamists marching from bajour to islamabad, that was...
  17. chops4d

    The Time Is Now...

    if a civilian murders a guy, he gets an execution, but if army generals kills innocents they get american aids, the vast treasures and lands of our country, prostitutes.. why there is a difference between a civilian and a general
  18. chops4d

    The Time Is Now...

    if army spray bullets on innocent pakistani men and women and those who are innocent humans, i donnu how can a nation with such animal behaviour survuve for long, infact we as a nation deserve more painful death then those kaum e samud and qoum e lut nations of hazrat yusuf and lut AS last...
  19. chops4d

    The Time Is Now...

    pakistan is not an islamic country, pakistan is islamic state by name, the thugs corrupts and criminals are ruling the country, pakistan army is killing its own citizens, just few days before innocent chechens were murdered when army bullets were sprayed on these innocent women the only...
  20. chops4d

    May 21: Drone Dharna Karachi. Pakistanis have a message for USA!

    mqm and government will not make it successful event govt doesnt want this
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