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  1. ?

    Tajikistan bans youth from mosques

    Great post :tup:
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    Afghan refugees celebrating Indian victory opened fire killing a nurse

    What a joke of a post. You are not speaking with 7 yrs old children. Afghanis are the brothers & sisters of you Pakistani Pashtuns. Please do not say 'our Afghan brothers'.
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    Afghan refugees celebrating Indian victory opened fire killing a nurse

    You are extremeley wrong brother. Indiens do not have to cause hatred. The hatred Is al-ready there from Afghanis. Afghani refugees have to be kept In Pakhtunkwa . They must not be alowed to cross over In to other Pakistani regions.
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    Afghan refugees celebrating Indian victory opened fire killing a nurse

    Most of those refugees have a deep hatred for Pakistan & Punjabis. They have to be sent back to Afghanistan ASAP.
  5. ?

    Can india ever get Pakistan controlled Kashmir back????

    Do not speak In this way about another person's sister.
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