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  1. Avisheik

    BAF has ordered K-8 aircraft

    Its about time, our only jet trainers currently are cessena t-37, which are getting quite old. An addition of a squadron of new trainers is certainly welcome in BAF.
  2. Avisheik

    Things Japanese people and Chinese people do differently

    Me too, Chinese eat tentacles while Japanese do, uh...other stuffs with them
  3. Avisheik

    Putin says Russian city Volgograd may become Stalingrad again

    Stalin may have killed more, but without him and the sacrifice of the soviets, there would not be any jews, Slavic, romani and other "undesirable" races left in the world. Stalin may have been a bad person, but without his iron fist soviets would not have defeated the germans.
  4. Avisheik

    Modi led BJP govt may choose to support Awami govt atlast says Janes

    How do we know they are Bangladeshi in the first place, for all we know you guys could be pushing your people onto our land. How do you verify that they are Bangladeshi? Just because they speak Bengali or some influential locals claims that they are not from there? Killing trespassers is...
  5. Avisheik

    FIFA Brazil 2014 World Cup

    hahaha ok:-). So I am guessing you will be supporting argentina then. The blue samurais are my team:enjoy:
  6. Avisheik

    FIFA Brazil 2014 World Cup

    But better than yours(which makes my statements more valid than yours) :D definitely not by argentina though First you say Italy, now England. I said argentina has a problem in its creative side of midfield(not the whole midfield itself). They do not have as many through passes or slick...
  7. Avisheik

    FIFA Brazil 2014 World Cup

    England are chokers that's for sure, but player quality wise they are there. Germany as always will be in the top 4. Italian players are good, have you seen Italy play before? You are writing them off even before you gave them a chance. don't forget 7 of argentina players play in italy...
  8. Avisheik

    FIFA Brazil 2014 World Cup

    yea.... we all have seen how messi have played for argentina. Ok, France, Germany, Spain, Brazil, Netherlands, Italy, England
  9. Avisheik

    FIFA Brazil 2014 World Cup

    Messi has speed and skill but I don't think he is that creative. Di maria is good but ain't a match winner that's for sure. haha classic Argentina fan
  10. Avisheik

    FIFA Brazil 2014 World Cup

    To be honest, their midfield is quite shabby on the creativity side
  11. Avisheik

    Bangladesh's Defence Budget 2014-2015

    That 0.65($5M) cents was taken by the politicians so I am accurate :D
  12. Avisheik

    Bangladesh's Defence Budget 2014-2015

    I was talking average bro, include in rank allowance, risk pay, combatant pay, years of service, vocation pay etc. from a private all the way to a four star general. Include them all and the average will be around 15000. 15000x12x300,000/77=US$701,298,701. If it was $80M the soldiers will be...
  13. Avisheik

    Bangladesh's Defence Budget 2014-2015

    I understand where you are coming from, but even things like that plus UN peacekeeping and private ventures like Raddison Hotel, it is very hard for army to buy new equipment using its own money. Lets look at the figures here, on average lets say the pay of a soldier is 15,000 taka/month. Now...
  14. Avisheik

    Bangladesh's Defence Budget 2014-2015

    Hmm I am not so sure about that, usually our defence purchases are taken on loan or on credit. Plus if you include in inflation as well as the fact that our population is getting more educated therefore commands more salary, the budget is similar to the previous budgets.
  15. Avisheik

    Bangladesh's Defence Budget 2014-2015

    If i am not wrong this money is used for the upkeep and maintence of man, machine and camp. This figures does not represent our defence purchase, which goes through ministry of defence as well as the parliament first. Army has the largest share for the obvious reason, it has way more equipment...
  16. Avisheik

    Large Enough to 3D Print a Boat or SUV, New Full Color Chinese 3D Printer is Unveiled

    I am not really a chemistry person but I heard of stories of people extracting gunpowder from part poppers other small harmless explosives.
  17. Avisheik

    America blames China of stirring up trouble in Asia

    Says the country that fought 4 wars in the last 50 years in asia.
  18. Avisheik

    Large Enough to 3D Print a Boat or SUV, New Full Color Chinese 3D Printer is Unveiled

    Damn that means easier access to guns for terrorist/criminal organisation. I wont be surprised if it can make mortars and other explosives
  19. Avisheik

    what is your Dream Country to visit and why ?

    Aww man I already bought the booze for your Russian housewarming
  20. Avisheik

    what is your Dream Country to visit and why ?

    Its ok comrade, Russia can always invade some lands in the south for you:-)
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