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  1. ifesvr

    Will Islamabad’s flagpole be larger than Delhi’s?

    Go for 226 feet. guess they don't know about the one in Navi Mumbai.
  2. ifesvr

    Defence.pk - Why kill the news????

    You are assuming that. The mods should have the courtesy to at least comment the reason why threads are closed or deleted.
  3. ifesvr

    Workers dig up Tipu era cannon weighing more than a ton during Metro work

    :hitwall: Seriously, the cost of maintaining that monument itself runs into crores. forget the last 350 years these 'tourist income' won't return the cost of building it, even for the next 1000 yrs. Not to forget that king's stupidity of decorating the walls with gems and rubies which must be...
  4. ifesvr

    Workers dig up Tipu era cannon weighing more than a ton during Metro work

    I don't want India to return to a world where a huge mausoleum is build just on the whims and fancies of a King for his 4th of 7 wives!! Some monument of love i say! It would be better to have had Nalanda and Taxila kind of universities which those muslim kings destroyed and brought stagnation...
  5. ifesvr

    'Sare Jahan Se Achcha' poet Mohammed Iqbal remains pariah in India

    One fought for the freedom of a nation (including for the muslims of that country) The other spoke for separation of 2 communities. There is vast difference my dear.
  6. ifesvr

    Questions to Indians

    It's the Nawab of Bengal who locked up British soldiers and civilians in Fort William. It led to the Battle of Plassey and the eventual expansion of Company raj.
  7. ifesvr

    Alert :: Nibiru Collision :: CNN, NBC, BBC, Aljazeera, Reported

    About CNN iReport iReport is an invitation for you to be a part of CNN's coverage of the stories you care about and an opportunity to be a part of a global community of men and women who are as passionate about the news as you are. .... Everything you see on iReport starts with someone in the...
  8. ifesvr

    U.S. nuclear support for India over Pakistan is double standard: McGovern

    You want to discuss a 6 year old news??? why did you missed the first part on the article? (Editor's note: This oped, written by former Sen. George McGovern, was first published by the Mercury News on March, 17, 2006.)
  9. ifesvr

    India hesitant over China, but not hostile despite US influence

    Well its off-topic but still wanted to let u know that you are so wrong dear.:no: Duryodhan (Jinnah) like Pakistan was the one asking for Partition of Hastinapur (India), when his father Dhritarashtra (Gandhi) made the eldest Pandava Yudhistar (Nehru) the heir.;) And the Pandavas agreed for...
  10. ifesvr

    JINNAH VS. GANDHI:One against none

    Actually he did not disinherit her. He actually fought a case in the 1940s claiming that since he is Khoja Shia he does not come under the Muslim inheritance law so as to make sure that his daughter, inspite of marrying a Parsi, still inherit his property. Opinion: Nation states do not need...
  11. ifesvr

    Any questions regarding Pakistan.

    Jammu and Kashmir state as a whole is in control under 3 countries today. 1. Aksai Chin - with China 2. Shaksham Valley - with China 3. Gilgit-Baltistan areas - with Pakistan 4. Part of Kashmir - with Pakistan 5. Part of Kashmir - with India 6. Jammu - with India 7. Ladakh - with India...
  12. ifesvr

    Any questions regarding Pakistan.

    Then there is a follow question to this at Post #251
  13. ifesvr

    Any questions regarding Pakistan.

    What if they have an elected government that is not Pro-Pakistan and is more closer to say Iran or even India. Will Pakistan again support mujahideen groups to overthrow their government like in 1979.
  14. ifesvr

    Any questions regarding Pakistan.

    I have noticed that many Pakistanis believe that once US troops (most if not all) leaves Afghanistan in 2014 the Taliban will gain more power and regions in that country. Question: 2 Does these Pakistanis want Taliban to come to power in Afghanistan instead of a democratic elected govt. If...
  15. ifesvr

    Any questions regarding Pakistan.

    Many Pakistanis were not happy about increasing trade relations with India and the MFN status granted last year until the Kashmir and water issues are resolved. However, they are interested in Indo-Pak cricket series and their singers and actors in Bollywood. Question 1: Why the Pakistanis...
  16. ifesvr

    Circumcision: Undisputed Health benefits says AAP

    Might as well cut off your ears and noses too as it gets dirty too... and in your case mouth too. And don't get started like that smart guy [ post #6 ] who says it reduces chances of AIDS and STDs. Does he or any circumcised guys has the courage to have it unprotected with these patients...
  17. ifesvr

    The pain of partition

    Read the following 2 links regarding India being the successor state. The UN decided on this issue when Pakistan approached it and then India and Pakistan both agreed on it. I think it was Nehru who made it sure to fight it out in UN that India becomes a successor state and that Pakistan is a...
  18. ifesvr

    Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

    Interesting, so you are comparing the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 21st c. with 10 c. Hindu kingdoms. It would have made some sense(however little) if you had compared them with Ghazni, Qutubuddin and Aurangzeb. Moreover the main point is that while muslims particularly Pakistanis...
  19. ifesvr

    Veena celebrating krsna janamashtmi in BJP's show

    There are many ancient tribes whose descendants still follow some rituals which contradicts the rules of the religion they converted to today. It is pathetic of you to attempt to disgrace a religion merely for scoring points. The festival sacrifice goats and buffalo not cows. Secondly, I...
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