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  1. Aramsogo

    High-speed rail has 'immense strategic military value': China

    High speed rail mounted DF-31 would make a very credible second strike deterrent. Even if you could track it, it would be gone by the time your 1st strike ICBM lands.
  2. Aramsogo

    China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

    You are clearly confused about the difference between an ICBM and these new hypersonic glide vehicles (which are not covered by START or anything else). Being Vietnamese, we'll cut you some slack and excuse your ignorance.
  3. Aramsogo

    Cost of Indian Diplomatic Victory

    As an American, I hope all Indians celebrate this 'victory' (it's really not and just more Indian press BS) and return to India with this criminal. Maid gets to live in US. Criminal gets to live in India. Who do you think won? LOL
  4. Aramsogo

    Indian student in induced coma after 'cowardly' attack

    Actually, I was referring to rape and manslaughter. Your specialties in Australia. Are you gonna rape some poor Australian woman in town this evening? That's so disgusting and so Indian and you wonder why Australians want to kick your a$$. Two Indians in Australian custody, charged with rape...
  5. Aramsogo

    Indian student in induced coma after 'cowardly' attack

    Indians commit lots of crimes in Australia and then run back to India. Look at that Indian scum Puneet Puneet. Indians riot in Singapore. Time to deport them all.
  6. Aramsogo

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    Oh my, this stupid thread is still going strong. India actually fell in the CEBR ranking this year out of the Top 10. It is projected to be a very distant third place in 2028 due to a demographic collapse in Japan due to a low birth rate. If Japan reverses its immigration policy (however...
  7. Aramsogo

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    ^^^^ "Quantum" - mostincorrectly used word by those attempting to sound intelligent. "quantum" - most incorrectly used word by dumb people trying to sound intelligent. Looking at Markit desktop, both ICICI and HDFC have a single-B (as of 25Dec13) implied credit rating. Basically junk credit...
  8. Aramsogo

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    When there are 6 billion Indians in 2028 making $2 a day, this will be possible. Jai hind!
  9. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    ^^^^ Another good way to judge the performance of the elites of each country is Google Code Jam historical stats. The stats for each year are available below. India always sends the most people, but never even comes close to making the final round of 20. Not even Round 3 most years. Also...
  10. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    Lo LOL. That only took you more than an entire week, after this thread had been dead for just as long. Let's even say you took the test just once like I did and not 50 tries, the average Indian IQ is still 82. Outliers DON'T matter (You may one day get 10 Indian Miss Universes in a row, but...
  11. Aramsogo

    India spanks USA over diplomat arrest issue !

    ^^^^ Sanjay, I've already proven that chart is wrong. According to 2010 Census, Taiwanese-Americans are far more educated than Indians. For income, Indian like to brag and lie on the census. Chinese prefer to hide their wealth. Clean up in aisle 3 Sanjay. Better go gunga din. Also Indians...
  12. Aramsogo

    India spanks USA over diplomat arrest issue !

    I would say no great lost. They don't really contribute much to the American economy. I say that knowing that most don't enjoy working and would rather be do-nothing middle managers. In fact, even most Indian Americans know that statement is true. Think Jewish people, but take away 25 to 30...
  13. Aramsogo

    Five policemen arrested for gangraping teenager in Chandigarh

    In other words... just another Friday night in India. Rape news serves the useful purpose of warning people (especially women) to stay the hell out of India.
  14. Aramsogo

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    Okay, how about? Gang Rape Superpowah Child Bride and Child Labor Superpowah Public Defecation Superpowah Like any of them? I've got more.
  15. Aramsogo

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    When it comes to gang raping tourists, India is of the first world order. Congrats!
  16. Aramsogo

    protest in NY against indian diplomat

    Ahahahaha. Weak. Clean up in Aisle 3 Sanjay. US fully plans to ignore these Indian morons. Everybody knows India is the gang rape capitol of the world. Nobody cares about your hypocrisy and championship for the dignity of women when you'll just rape her back home.
  17. Aramsogo

    protest in NY against indian diplomat

    American strip search is nothing. In India, She would have been rape searched. All Americans should boycott those 3 to 4 Indian products in the US.
  18. Aramsogo

    Angry India tells US 'times have changed' after diplomat spat

    I stand with the maid, Sangeeta Richard. Everybody let's all boycott all 3 Indian products in the US. Basically, you are saying Nuke the Indians back 20 years??? That shouldn't be hard. Most of Mumbai looks like it already got nuked.
  19. Aramsogo

    protest in NY against indian diplomat

    I have a cleaning service that comes to my home. They send a team of people. No maid. India has pogroms against Sikh and Muslim if they "get out of line". In that slumdog millionaire, his mom was killed by a pogrom. Deng Xiao Ping is the greatest man of the 20th century. Much better...
  20. Aramsogo

    protest in NY against indian diplomat

    I stand with Sangeeta! Boycott Indian products (there is liked 2 in the US, Jaguar/Land Rover), call centers and mangos. Deport the Indians already in the US. That should show them.
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