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  1. J

    Special weapons of the Nazi Germany

    ohh man germans actually made aks before russians, this is remarkable
  2. J

    Which Political party do you support?

    y oen another thread :woot:
  3. J

    Which Political party do you support?

    ANP forgod sake :lol:
  4. J

    Username changes

    please change mine to XyrL
  5. J

    Buy Gold from Dubai?

    if it was lower than u can simply be rich by buying there and selling here :lol:
  6. J

    Hu Jintao questioned by Barack Obama on China's human rights record

    indian human rights :lol: is obama ignoring something, and we know this black shitt visited india recently???
  7. J

    25 Tons of Bombs Wipe Afghan Town Off Map

    there will be times when american cities will be wiped off by chinese bombs... just matter of time.. and crusader satan will be wiped off the world map and all those countries helping this satan
  8. J

    When will we stop blaming the rest of the world?

    and when did talibans become the every problem of the nation???? i remember that during the lahore attacks, without prove the media was throwing the garbage at the militants, talibans, the terrorists escaped and thus removing any chance of finding the real hands behind those attacks, terrorists...
  9. J

    The term P.A.K.I.

    yes...................................... disrespectful what about calling germans germs??? or indians indis, chinese chins???
  10. J

    Pakistan and Overbreeding...

    obortion is a crime to humanity... imagine if your parents had done abortion to you..
  11. J

    Do Indians consider themselves Middle Eastern or Asian?

    and chinese are aryans????:blink:
  12. J

    Do Indians consider themselves Middle Eastern or Asian?

    asian word is mostly used for mongoloids in the east i guess.... like chinese, japanese veitanmese etc
  13. J

    Jordan vs Syria 2-1

    has pakistan won any match???
  14. J

    can a chinese member translate this?

    it is already translated down :woot: mr fried chicken
  15. J

    Pakistan vs New Zealand (cricket series)

    dont take too much tension, its bad for health:devil: ---------- Post added at 04:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 AM ---------- yeah me think that too, so it was indeed a bad decision..
  16. J

    Pakistan vs New Zealand (cricket series)

    bad decision???.............
  17. J

    U.S. denies Turkey’s request for combat UAVs

    its an impossible thought, no one can compete with jewish lobby....
  18. J


    hello any body can answer me???
  19. J


    hello guys i just want to give my first semister exam papers in second semister(honestly im very ill prepared :D), can i do that???
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