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  1. P

    Israel bars AESA radar export to India

    Well stated :usflag::cheers::coffee:
  2. P

    Israel bars AESA radar export to India

    10 billion dolllars can create over 10 million jobs in india while in the united states it could barely support 100,000 jobs for an year. Money isn't valued the same for india and US. 10 Billion might be big for india, but a couple years ago US defence budget had 10 billion dollar hole in...
  3. P

    Israel bars AESA radar export to India

    wat big statement? only u hear about them watever they r, cos you look for them. then make a claim to be a big statement. especially that its a dealing with 3rd world country, the US couldn't really give a flying 'hoot' about this deal. IF the deal were to be made with a 1st world country like...
  4. P

    Israel bars AESA radar export to India

    I don't need to, my financial are in perfect order. :coffee: Ok what would like to calculate it against? the US defence budget? larger than Indian economy lmao :rofl::rofl::lol: (9.1 billion / 1.2 trillion) * 100 = 0.7% But doesn't this comprise like 40% of your defence budget? lmao...
  5. P

    India getting closer to Iran's oil

    Iran is just asking for Uncle Sam to put her name on the top of his list of priorities arnt they?
  6. P

    Israel bars AESA radar export to India

    (9.1 billion / 14.2 trillion) * 100 = 0.006%:rofl::rofl: Oh stand back boy, this finical catastrophe is getting worse and worse lmao :lol: how am I trolling? I'm saying wat loss this is :lol: and wat impending finical disaster I'm about to face:rofl::lol:
  7. P

    Sri Lanka Launches Broadband with 4G Technology

    hey sri lankan, I'm sorry for calling you those 'kunne harrapa' things before I'm Mahinda18. I'm very sorry I was acting way out of line, and i wont irritate you ever again. mamma boyhama Samawenna
  8. P

    Israel bars AESA radar export to India

    (9.11 billion / 17 000 billion) * 100 = 0.005% :rofl::rofl::rofl: yeah real big loss! I think i'm going have to re-draw my investments out of Asia in event of this potential finical catastrophe. lmao :rofl::lol: Or on second thoughts maybe we should cut our aid lines by 1/3 to avert this...
  9. P

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    I doubt that. However this thread is not about SAARC being a prevention to join other blocks. This thread is about SAARC being a utter waste of money and time and should be dismantled with immediate effect.
  10. P

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    care to bring up some points with some supporting evidence? i have given links from the treasury and actual budget expenditures.
  11. P

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    Says who? the guy controlling all internet data in sri lanka through the ministry of defence? and controls state media lmao why dont you track me down and give me a white van ride LOL I dare you! The only thing your right about is the cabinet size, 225 as opposed to the 300 i said. apart from...
  12. P

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    These figures are older some countries newer for others. your buffoon. firstly only idiots use PPP secondly sri lanka's is higher either way by PPP sri lanka is almost $7000 by nominal exchange its $2600 currently, opposed to Bhutan $1800. Also bhutans population is 700,000, thus is...
  13. P

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    This guy is totally insane. 645 USD? what you are a political goon who works for Rajapaksa administration? Where is the proof?? can you cite me a source??? I have given a source from the treasury. your not fooling anybody. everybody!!! Mahin lanka Air lines, who do think owns...
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