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  1. R

    Army chief vows commitment to democracy

    Sure. Pakistan army has a glotius tradition of loyality to democracy. Ayb, Yahya, Tikka, Parvez etc were die hard democrats, were they not? Bas ek mauka milna chahiye.
  2. R

    Narendra Modi vows to bring Dawood Ibrahim back to India

    WRONG. He never vowed to bring Dawood back. He only asserts that such matters should not discussed in public and Shide was immature to do it.
  3. R

    Narendra Modi's wife Jashodaben kept at isolated Ramdev ashram, claims report

    Now you know he has or had. Then what now? People of Pak and BD, and ours like Azam Khan, etc may think it as an anti muslim conspiracy.
  4. R

    Let Modi come to power Bangladesh and Pakistan will be part of United India

    Adding a huge muslim populations of Pak and BD will be a sure sure blue print for Islamic republic of India. Modi will not do such a suicidal act.
  5. R

    Pakistanis in IPL – broadcasters, studio hosts, team mentors welcome, but no players please

    In IPL quite number of Pak players were bought. IPL2 was held in S. Africa due to clash with general elections. Each and every Pak player deserted theirv teams and did not turn up for playing. Next time around they were taken. IPL teams are commercial ventures, and they cannot afford to be...
  6. R

    BJP blocks access to its website in Pakistan

    So what? Lot many sites are blocked on country basis.
  7. R

    Muslims should be communal for their own good', Shazia Ilmi says

    Ilmi is saying too. When was a muslim ever secular, anywhere, anytime?
  8. R

    Muslims rally for Narendra Modi in Jammu

    You mean Pakistan too has elections?
  9. R

    India's Muslims, Christians fight for burial rights

    In India they sure are stopped from burial. But land is COSTLY. Or they want burial by khairat?
  10. R

    Prediction for 2012 Vidhan Sabha elections in Gujarat state.

    He does not need votes of minorities aka muslim. BJP never got it so far.
  11. R

    Pakistan to form it's own T20 league like IPL

    The thread was started in Dec 2009, and Pakistani league is nowhere in sight. Why not lock it? A new one can be started when this leaugue is launched. Hope it is before kyamat!
  12. R

    Pakistan players shut out of IPL again

    Such as?? Pak got industries ? Come on, Maharashtra produces more electricity than whole of Pakistan!! Size of Pak industries? Microscopic compared to India. Wish you luck in saving enough to publish ads.
  13. R

    Pakistan players shut out of IPL again

    By abstaining from IPL 2, the Pak players did a harm to themselves. A strong reason reason not to consider such gaddars, who breached the contracts. This breach will be remembered for a long time to come. This time around there was not even a single application from Pak players. Btw, a...
  14. R

    Pakistan players shut out of IPL again

    As I pointed out the fiasco was created by the Pakistani players and board and govt. They did not turn up for IPL2 held in S. Africa, though they were selected. It was a betrayal and breach of agreement. Why did this nut afridi broke his contract for IPL2? IPL2 and 3 were successes...
  15. R

    Pakistan players shut out of IPL again

    Hope PCB can save enough to afford the printing of the brochures.
  16. R

    Pakistan players shut out of IPL again

    In IPL 2, Pakistan players were selected. But they breached the contract and none turned up tp play. How could such an unreliable bunch be considered in future. Did any Pakistani player offered himself for IPL 4?
  17. R

    Pakistan players shut out of IPL again

    Last time around there were rumours that a rival Pakistan L:eague would be started. Any progress?
  18. R

    Binayak Sen's wife may seek political asylum

    Best place would be3 China. Quite liberal. Next, she could consider S. Arabia too. Just accept islam then she can spew any amount of venom. Paistan? Not likely to host her, though it is liberal [though anti Indians]. After all, she is not anyway near Dowd Ibrahim. In European countries...
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