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  1. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    Not possible.... You need to amend the Constitution, and it is very hard to do that!!
  2. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    Well, its not a matter of opinion, i am trying to educate you so say thank you and move on. You don't know this because you are not Egyptian, that's all!! No it is not a crime to be a Muslim, but trying to force your religion on me is. Not gonna happen sorry. Egyptian Muslims before non Muslims...
  3. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    All Egyptians are Copts. Coptic means Egyptians.... Also, I am not Christian, if that is what you meant!! Yes, you are right.... The parallel world Islamists lives in :what:
  4. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    If that makes you happy, then ok
  5. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    Keep thinking that way, good for you.
  6. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    No, there isn't. What millions ? Where ? Self-defense is not a genocide. A lot of my family members are Islamist and they support Morsi, so trust me its mot personal. My and your opinions don't even matter. I am telling you about whats happening on the ground. Almost all their leader are either...
  7. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    No, i am being realistic. This is whats happening on the ground right now. I am not talking about the ordinary people who voted for the Muslim Brotherhood at certain point(millions), no we have no problem with these people. I am talking about the people who belong to the Muslim Brotherhood as an...
  8. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    No, we(Egyptians) will keep going until we annihilate them. Got a problem with that ?
  9. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    We don't consider people who want to chop off people's body parts, or kill others who leave their religion humans per say.
  10. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    Yes, people actually murdered him...twice!!
  11. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    European Union endorses Egypt's presidential vote as democratic Egypt's 2014 presidential vote was held in a "democratic and free" environment, announced the European Union's Election Observation Mission (EOM) in a press conference on Thursday. Speaking at the same event, MP Robert Goebbels...
  12. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    You are basically calling for a secular state... I call that an improvement. Only way we could have REAL democracy, if our countries turn into secular countries.
  13. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    Egypt is in dire need for foreign investment and tourists to boost up the crippling economy, and that wouldn't happen without security and stability.
  14. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    I don't even think it will be a close contest. The People want security and stability.
  15. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    Yes, a it is. I also would hoped that the military didn't have to interfere to beign with, but the Muslim Brotherhood left us with no choice. Its the army of the people anyway, and only the people have the right to call it to interfere. I personally didn't want him to run, but its his decision...
  16. agentny17

    Egyptians vote in presidential election

    Most likely tonight, unless extended for one or two more days if turnout increases which is doubtful. Never mind, they just extended it for another day.
  17. agentny17

    Muslim Brotherhood’s Badie in Egypt Court: ‘We Fought Only Against The Jews’ (VIDEO)

    Bunch or crap!! These idiots are the main reasons Muslims views non Muslims in a negative way. This is a new era, and we are witnessing their end, happily!!
  18. agentny17

    Egyptian presidential election, 2014

    EU says will monitor Egypt vote after impounded kit released EU says will monitor Egypt vote after impounded kit released - Yahoo News
  19. agentny17

    Egyptian presidential election, 2014

    Thank you so much :-)
  20. agentny17

    Egyptian presidential election, 2014

    Main reason i don't mind Al-Sisi running
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