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  1. Salman Rushdie

    Yoga essentially Hindu, anti-Christ?????

    The Two Things Hindus want is: 1) Don't Disrespect Hinduism or any of its Affiliates. 2) Always give Proper Credit to Hinduism for Yoga. Otherwise no Hindu gives a Rats *** of How you want to understand Yoga or Hinduism.
  2. Salman Rushdie

    Russia India China: Special Picture (To All PDF Members)

    Pakistanis are Surely Enjoying with Chinese:lol:
  3. Salman Rushdie

    WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi Warned US Of Hindu Extremist Threat

    His Dumbass Grandfather siad He was a Hindu by Mistake but loved being a Christian , a Muslim. We have had Congress as a Anti-Hindu Party from the Last 50 Years.
  4. Salman Rushdie

    WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi Warned US Of Hindu Extremist Threat

    And for the Sake. Muslim Appeasment on its peak. There are elections in Kerala, West Bengal and Assam(Read Mulsims) next Year. So Chidambaram barking Saffron Terrorism. Rahul Baba speaking such statements is Expected:lol: Did they Forget their Rape in Bihar and Gujarat?:lol:
  5. Salman Rushdie

    WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi Warned US Of Hindu Extremist Threat

    Did the Hindus ever storm the Parliament? Did the Hindus ever Hijacked a Plan? Did Hindus ever held Hostages in Hotels or Fired Randomly at a Railway Station?
  6. Salman Rushdie

    WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi Warned US Of Hindu Extremist Threat

    My ***. By staying in poor's houses. By turning htier Farms into Helipad and destroying their Livelihood. And What does a Villager expects from Congress(UPA)? To give him Electricity, Clean Drinking Water and Employment and this Crapass goes to the villager and says.:lol: Empower...
  7. Salman Rushdie

    Unrequited love/ one- sided love -The pain

    I lost my Babe.:cry:
  8. Salman Rushdie

    Money was behind Kashmir protests: Militant leader

    The money spent on Freedom Fighters by Pakistan could be well used for its Flood Affected People.
  9. Salman Rushdie

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    He should be issued a Stapled Visa. :lol:
  10. Salman Rushdie

    Turkey may develop fighter aircraft with S Korea, Indonesia

    Well Koreans could have been a part of AMCA but our Relationship is not so close that we share 5th Generation Fighter Technologies. As for Turkey, they should jump into the KF-X Projext to gain experience. America is never going to Transfer any technology to Turkey in JSF. If Turkey...
  11. Salman Rushdie

    Fresh appeal against Ayodhya ruling

    First Let's build a College in Vatican and University in Mecca.:coffee:
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