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  1. D

    India's oil move in Vietnam serious provocation

    Nostradamus has spoken :yahoo:
  2. D

    India denies confronting Chinese naval vessel

    Stop showing your bias dude. The title is wrong and should read India denies Chinese vessel confronted its warship.
  3. D

    Defence brass split over French Mirage upgrade deal

    The figures are WRONG. Its not $7.9 mil per mirage but around $48 mil per mirage for the upgrade which is equal to buying a new 4th gen plane. If it was $7.9 mil then the upgrade would have been finalized long time ago and would have cost the exchequer less than $400 mil.
  4. D

    China's ZTE setting up a second manufacturing plant in India

    This news is from 2007 ? Why you posting news from 2007?
  5. D

    Pakistani navy charges are FALSE!! LIES!!

    How is rescuing MV Suez solely Indian naval responsibility? The ship is not Indian registered. Does not have an Indian captain Majority crew not Indian nationals So the responsibility falls on international community. IF Pakistan has done something good then pat your backs and don't...
  6. D

    Pakistani navy charges are FALSE!! LIES!!

    I agree. Let someone release videographic or photographic evidence to prove wrongdoing by INS Godavari until then we should all stfu and let things go and not bash each other.
  7. D

    India uses UN report on Sri Lanka to assert its interests

    Have you read about the Cuban missile crisis? The Soviets(outside power) were made to pack up their stuff and leave by the United States due to close proximity of Cuba to mainland USA and US naval might. Cuba was blockaded. In case of Sri Lanka, there is nothing China can do if Sri lanka...
  8. D

    Pakistani navy charges are FALSE!! LIES!!

    Indian Navy has issued a statement saying all Pakistani claims about the incident involving Ins Godavari and Pns Babur are false and misinformation. The news is breaking on times now. Let us wait for more updates. I guess the charges were false and just a propaganda from Pakistanis to...
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    India uses UN report on Sri Lanka to assert its interests

    If you see the video they are attacking the soldiers with rocks which is a crime so they are not innocent.
  10. D

    India uses UN report on Sri Lanka to assert its interests

    You do realize what happened during the Cuban missile crisis right? Cuban waters were blockaded by US warships and Soviets were made to pack up their stuff. America enjoyed geographical proximity and unchallenged naval might near its home waters. Any threat to Indian interests near its home...
  11. D

    S. Korea military fires at passenger jet by mistake

    Yeah, it was Iran Air Flight 655 but it was shot down by American missiles.
  12. D

    Indian Navy ditches MV Suez, Pakistan comes to rescue

    MV Suez will be under Indian Navy protection shortly. INS Godavari has been dispatched.
  13. D

    Indian Navy warship to escort MV Suez

    An Indian Navy warship will escort the Egyptian merchant vessel MV Suez to Salalah port in Oman with 22 crew members including six Indians, two days after it was released by Somali pirates. MV Suez was released by pirates on June 13 and is now "safely proceeding" towards Salalah with 22 crew...
  14. D

    2 foreigner women amongst 3 molested on Goa beach

    Firstly i condemn this incident in the strongest words possible and want the perpetrators bought to book. If it was in Pakistan they would have probably been molested first then beaten up tied to a pole and then option A) killed with an AK 47 option B) blown to bits by a suicide bomber
  15. D

    Suicide Bomber explodes himself on a private Bank in Islamabad

    What is happening in Pakistan? Every two hours a bomb goes off somewhere. Isn't there any way to prevent this unnecessary bloodshed?
  16. D

    Kachchativu’s sovereign ownership lies with Sri Lanka

    Since he knows India won't change the status quo and Jaya can't do anything about it and is just playing regional politics shouldn't he know better to keep quiet and carry on with his own affairs instead of sabre rattling.
  17. D

    Sri Lanka EAM calls to unite against all forces hostile to the country

    Stop spamming your own thread dude. On a serious note, what hostile forces was he referring to? Jaya going all out or Western nations pushing for a human rights probe?
  18. D

    3 Indian students commit suicide after poor exam results

    What kind of news are you posting dude? I thought this was a defence forum. Next you will be posting domestic violence and dowry cases eh?
  19. D

    India regrets cancellation of naval drills with Russia.

    Why will India regret? Russia should be made to regret:angry:
  20. D

    India planned to kill Chinese engineers in Pakistan

    This is so funny. Lobbying a few shells and making a run for it IS NOT awfully beating India and i guess the author slept through 1971 war where Pakistan navy was decimated. Load of @#$%
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