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  1. S

    Made in India Vehicles

    ^^ Max speed of Tata Iris is 55 KMPH
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Smart way of covering up some ignorance or foot in mouth moment???
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    ^^ Lol informal economy---- great, no one can quantify it and you pull these numbers out of ..........It doesnt help building a country even if it is as high as you claim. Same goes for India too. Lot of informal/ black economy and hence the wrong poverty estimates. But it is nothing to be proud...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Family's 20 kids highlight Pakistan's population explosion (CNN) -- Islam Mohmand and his two wives have so many children that he sometimes gets confused and needs help to remember all of their names. They have 20 kids in all but would be happy to bring even more into their small family house...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Pakistan’s real image By Saroop Ijaz Published: March 16, 2013 The local police told the inhabitants of Joseph Colony, Badami Bagh, to evacuate their houses as they were going to be attacked the next day. This is shocking incompetence or perhaps complicity, even by our standards. However...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Is Pakistan a Failing State? By Gustav Ranis On May 11 Pakistanis are expected to go to the polls and celebrate transition in what's been a rare five-year civilian rule. The election may or may not usher in another period of civilian rule. Fundamental reform is required of the political system...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Double-counting: GDP overestimated, may be slashed by 10% By Shahbaz Rana Pakistan’s economy was reported to stand at Rs21 trillion this year – except, it may not have been. The size of the country’s economy will shrink by up to Rs2.5 trillion, or roughly 10%, after reports...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Internet Hindus????? What are you Riaz?? Are you not an Internet warrior yourself???? Come on stop kidding us.
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Sinking like a rock: Slim chances of recovery for Pakistan’s directionless economy, says ADB By Shahbaz Rana / Creative: Anam Haleem Published: April 10, 2013 ISLAMABAD: Amid deep-rooted concerns over a “directionless” economy due to failure of the previous government and...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Viewpoint: Pakistan's economic woes are being overlooked By Bruce Stokes Pew Research Center Pakistan is a country beset with political difficulties, but they could be of secondary importance to its economic woes. While much attention has been devoted to the dramatic Supreme Court move to...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Is Pakistan sinking? April 11, 2013 by Khurram Husain THE question of Pakistan’s viability as a state is at least as old as the country itself. Recently a sobering article written by a former American ambassador to Pakistan has reignited the question and left many wondering whether...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Preventable deaths: Pakistan continues to lose 60,000 babies annually KARACHI: On a hot summer afternoon, a two-year-old sits in his paternal aunt’s lap in a remote village in Tharparkar district. He is too weak and malnourished to brush off the fly that sits on his face. The child would...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    How to spot the crackpot — pseudoscience in Pakistan By Pervez Hoodbhoy Published: May 27, 2012 These days astonishing science claims abound in the media (there’s one fairly recent one in this newspaper too!). For example, a self-taught engineer in Swat claims he can “fix...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Here is an article from BRecorder: Global literacy rate: Pakistan ranks 113th among 120 nations ASMA RAZAQ ISLAMABAD: Pakistan ranks 113th among 120 countries regarding literacy rate, which is projected to reach 60 percent till 2015 from the existing 55 percent. United Nations Educational...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    You are still living in your past glory Riaz. Poverty in Pakistan At one time, not so very long ago, a Pakistani could proudly say, while drawing a comparison with India where millions slept hungry at night, that no-one in his country went to bed with an empty stomach. No more, alas! The...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    ^^ Pakistan poverty rate is 37.5 %. Why do you again claim it to be 17.5% again and again???? Jump in Pakistan
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    Fudging income and poverty numbers By Ashfak Bokhari THE budget-making period is often marked by allegations of the fudging of figures particularly about key economic indicators but, as it happens, not all of them are detected and challenged and are rarely rectified. A former chief economist...
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    Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

    ^^ Poor Riaz you couldn't counter my previous messages and started resorting to your usual mudslinging????? When ever you dont have anything to counter or you lies are exposed you have you stock weapons of few articles, India is poor, India doesn't have toilets, Indians are hungry etc etc... You...
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    Pakistan in Pictures

    I love the northern areas. Beautiful pics. Looks like heaven
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    For this reason. Look at the quality
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