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  1. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    Firstly, I do suggest that the United States move production to Mexico and India and far far away from the baby food poisoning factories of the PRC. However, I try to do what is economically best for the situation. Mexico has 1/3 the population of US and can't manufacture everything. India...
  2. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    Fateh, they think everyone outside of China are barbarians. It's been in their history for millenia. It's quite sad really. Imagine if they do ever manage to conquer the earth! Every other race of people will be ethnically cleansed off this planet!
  3. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    I like how the racist thanks you for your post when it was he who stated the racist comments , LOL! You Chinese sure do know how to gang up on people!
  4. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    Not as big as the identity crisis "fleak" who is from China but who lives in his worst enemy's country (and allegedly racially inferior) Japan. Besides, I'm hispanic, lived in the U.S. most of my life and have no problem with anyone in this world because of their race, unlike the Chinese...
  5. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    I'm glad that I represent every hispanic and that all hispanics are drug dealers and murders! How about you divulge on what you think all "ghetto blacks" do?
  6. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    You're not supposed to use google, remember? Bad Communist racist!
  7. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    Nice!~~ try, it! doesn't! work! stupid! Chinese~~ Racist! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Outsmarted once again! Is this how you plan on conquering the world?
  8. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    LOL you should see the chinese community in other countries! You of all people should know how infamous 三合會 is throughout the world! But please, go on with your racism. This will make a perfect piece for my graduate studies program on how the CCP promotes nationalism and...
  9. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    I believe this forum proves my point on Chinese concept of racial superiority perfectly!
  10. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    Yeah, and he's not a troll for refering to "ghetto blacks" and ****.
  11. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    So chinese are racist against, Japanese, Koreans, Hindus, Whites, Jews AND Hispanics? LOL So where is this "benevolent master" China plans on becoming? I hope for peace in the world that the PRC is destroyed and Tibet, East Turkestan (the so called Xin Jiang region) and Taiwan are given...
  12. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: Chinese racism at it's best!!!
  13. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    Nationalism is a scary thing, to answer your question. Besides, everyone knows that the PRC promotes "the racial superiority" of China. Of the 20 years I have lived in the United States, I have not once experience an act of racism.
  14. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    Deng Xiaoping isn't going to completely tear down the exhaulted leader of the PRC, even if in Chinese eyes he's viewed as a "reformist"
  15. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    I thought Google was in an unholy alliance with the US :taz:
  16. X

    New strategy needed for co-existence

    I am hispanic and I live in America, racists :)
  17. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    Isn't it hypocritical to ask others to ignore me when you don't even follow that rule? Regardless, the Chinese economy is export driven and could not survive without having to sell a bunch of plastic-based crap to the U.S., the largest consumer of Chinese "merchandise". Besides, the second...
  18. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    [/COLOR] 80 million , are you crazy? The fifty million killed by the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution combined with the "average" yearly rate of famine in the PRC not to mention the Civil War, the War with India and the Invasion of Vietnam adds up to that figure.
  19. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    I am not here to defend the US but to say that China is certainly no worthy supplanter to the US. Besides, both economies are intertwined. For those who are foolish enough to suggest that China pull the plug on U.S. exports and loans would know that by forcing the U.S. to enter a depression...
  20. X

    The endless ideological wars against China

    Well in the 60 years that the CCP has been in power, over 80 million people have been killed, if you multiply that by the amount of years the Europeans invaded the Americas (1492) that would mean the CCP would have killed almost SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION people!
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