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  1. Ottoman_smack

    Can Iran be rank 1 in middle east by 2025 ?

    Iran goes and sits cheek by jowl with communists. You should be creating Islamic Unity instead. What business do you have in North Korea? OK, forge links and be friends, but be friends with the Islamic world first. You go and cuddle up to communists but when it comes to the Islamic world you...
  2. Ottoman_smack

    If Pakistan Goes To War?.

    It is perfectly natural for there to be different cultures, traditions and understandings in the Islamic world. The important thing is for these differences to be brought together within a unity of belief and pluralist solidarity. Differences of ideas, opinions and practice are regarded as...
  3. Ottoman_smack

    If Pakistan Goes To War?.

    We should establish an Islamic Union.We will cause peace and beauty to reign all over the world. There will be complete peace and security, insha’Allah. Islam will rule the world in all its glory. There will be no more bigotry, extremism or violence. Everyone will have freedom of ideas and...
  4. Ottoman_smack

    If Pakistan Goes To War?.

    who helped Iraq,Afghanistan or myanmar? nobody
  5. Ottoman_smack

    Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

    T-129 WİLL NOT using on innocent Kurds.It will using on Terrorists. Do you think China is more reliable then a muslim country? Beginning of 2013 and my brother: Muslim spends on the way of Allah very wholeheartedly.Muslim would never spend in vain,he would not waste but he does not...
  6. Ottoman_smack

    Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

    Has the WZ-10 been used on the real conflict? Why dont u worry about Wz-10 engine?You know it is using Russian engine.
  7. Ottoman_smack

    Pakistan, Turkey hold naval exercises

    and Good for us we can learn many thing from PakNavy too.
  8. Ottoman_smack

    Iran seeks suicide bombings against Saudi Arabia

    All MUSLİMS are brothers..
  9. Ottoman_smack

    Turkey's 4x4 OMTAS missile carrier vehicle tender and candidates...

    Bmc is looking better than the others.
  10. Ottoman_smack

    Which country are you from?

    i am from Ankara Turkey..
  11. Ottoman_smack

    Turkish Members- growing!

    I am here too..:d
  12. Ottoman_smack

    Uzaktaymışsın biraz :d

    Uzaktaymışsın biraz :d
  13. Ottoman_smack

    Nerede yaşıyorsun yalvaçtamı yoksa başka bir yerde mi?

    Nerede yaşıyorsun yalvaçtamı yoksa başka bir yerde mi?
  14. Ottoman_smack

    Vay kardeş biz senle hemşeriymişizde haberimiz yokmuş.Bende...

    Vay kardeş biz senle hemşeriymişizde haberimiz yokmuş.Bende Şarkikaraağaçlıyım.
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