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  1. Whiplash

    India Hands Over 679 Military, Rescue Vehicles to TPDF

    According to this, the IA has over 60k stallions. 15k is surely far too low a number. There's a cantonment near my university, and I see hundreds of stallions there.
  2. Whiplash

    World's top 15 electricity producers, India 5th

    Yes clearly. Everyone knows. Electricity produced by small scale generators is NEVER cheap. It is in fact the most expensive way to produce electricity. You talk as if there are no generators in India. Everyone just.. shuts down their businesses when there is no power. And lastly, I agree this...
  3. Whiplash

    US submits list of 10 defence technologies for transfer to India

    This is about technology transfer and not sales. There is no way in hell we are getting any technology on your list other than Javelin, and the M777 howitzer in ToT. Ucav and patriot are so far out of reach it's not even funny. On topic. What classifies as a 'technology' to be transferred? For...
  4. Whiplash

    Defence Ministry issues multi-crore tender for 56 new aircraft

    This is such a good move. Private players will be far more efficient than HAL
  5. Whiplash

    Nuclear capable Prithvi-II test successful

    I'm not completely sure but I believe the fins are for stabilization, not maneuverability.
  6. Whiplash

    The Boeing P-8 Poseidon

    Well all I'm saying is it's wrong to say they were 'denied' this aircraft when they made no attempt to procure. I don't think they'd want it anymore now that India has it. On a side not the Americans have amazing delivery time. They're gonna see a lot more orders if they keep this up. Kinda...
  7. Whiplash

    The Boeing P-8 Poseidon

    They could afford it. They're budget's a third of ours. Just sayin.
  8. Whiplash

    The Boeing P-8 Poseidon

    I'm afraid that's not how the USA see's things. A business deal is a business deal. And btw, who said Pakistan can't get them? Has Pakistan attempted to purchase these? Until officially denied, it's not the Americans who aren't selling to pak. I don't think pakistan needs theses and has hence...
  9. Whiplash

    Families in India increasingly aborting girl babies

    Quick wikipedia research on sex ratio at birth shows india, China and Pakistan are all facing major problems in this area. But Bangladesh is doing surprisingly well. Could any Bangladeshi members share light on what their government policies are in this regard?
  10. Whiplash

    Families in India increasingly aborting girl babies

    You sir.. Are a moron. The article says nothing about hindus or muslims or pastafarians. So get out of your mothers house.. and get a real job to make yourself feel useful. @topic: This is alarming. And unacceptable. WTF is the government doing?
  11. Whiplash

    'Small negative list can take India-Pakistan trade to $6 bn'

    The better our economic relations the better will be our diplomatic relations. It's stupid to pursue any other path.
  12. Whiplash

    The Pilot Factor

    The F7PG does not carry BVR. The bison does. I'd say the F7PG is more comparable to the Mig 21 bis. Whatever. In the end I'd say they're both outdated obsolete aircraft that both our AFs should be retiring
  13. Whiplash

    Canada bans face veils for new citizens

    Yeah, who do you think you're deluding? Yourself.
  14. Whiplash

    US to freeze $700 mn aid to Pakistan

    0.5 % of your GDP is a hoshitly huge amount.. Just sayin.
  15. Whiplash

    50 Indian computers for army

    Beggars are not choosers my friend. Next time we'l' come with a few MKIs. Heck why not throw in an aircraft carrier too?
  16. Whiplash

    Su 30 MKI crashed near pune

    The news is true. It's the 3rd crash in 14 years of service. These things happen even with the F22.
  17. Whiplash

    NATO fuel tankers set ablaze in Pakistan

    I pity you. This is a forum. Not a 'pakistanis will post pakistani articles and indians will post indian articles' website.
  18. Whiplash

    NATO fuel tankers set ablaze in Pakistan

    He started the thread because it's news. Relevant news. In the right section. Stop being an insecure little wuss
  19. Whiplash

    Iran guns down three Pakistani fishermen

    ^EVEN indians? Nice choice of words. :whistle:
  20. Whiplash

    Expedite Civilian Aircraft Project: Kalam

    Not to mention battlestars
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