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  1. P

    Hindus, Muslims are separate nations: Geelani

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/avtarkaul/128251437/in/photostream/ Sharada Petha Temple in Kashmir, near Muzzafarabad. The ruins of the ancient Shardapetha, fountain head of knowledge and learning, abode of Goddess Saraswati. It is located near Muzzafarabad, in Pak occupied Azad Kashmir..
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    Hindus, Muslims are separate nations: Geelani

    This mindset is the core of the whole kashmir Problem. Now one can decide what will the nature of future Azad kashmir and the 40% minirites in it including the Shia muslims and Bakarwals who are considered as non muslim by Sunni ideologue like Mr Gillaani. This also lead to create an...
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    Your favourite pesonality (living)

    So u move around carry and distribute Burnol, hats up to you. BTW u think Burnol so good,must have tried urself a lot ??
  4. P

    Zaid Hamid at Shooting Range

    Can't help repeating.... If Zaid Hamid practices hard enough he may win a medal in the next common wealth games for Pakistan and raise its tally.;)
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    Your favourite pesonality (living)

    yea, U so funny doing free endorsement for Burnol. :cheers:
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    Your favourite pesonality (living)

    Zaid Hamid...provides great comic relief. and Jana combined.
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    Zaid Hamid at Shooting Range

    U conquered and ruled india . what happened after that ?? who conquered u ?? I'm sure u know about Ranjit Singh of Punjab conquered u back and sure he had a Hindu ancestry Or u need to check that in history books? PS:U always go into skin color or ancestry,don't u ?? I guess by now...
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    Zaid Hamid at Shooting Range

    I said next CWG,as Delhi is already over where Pakistan couldn't open a gold medal count.:toast_sign:
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    Zaid Hamid at Shooting Range

    If he practices hard enough he may win a medal in the next common wealth games for Pakistan and raise its tally.;)
  10. P

    A Forum Post regarding the Danger of Helping India Upgrading its Infrastructure

    first part may be true. second part No. Chinese companies mean business and getting it india. They aren't not doing this for experience sake as u made it out , India is another market for Chinese to do business . In most project Chinese companies don't get direct tenders in India...
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    A Forum Post regarding the Danger of Helping India Upgrading its Infrastructure

    Before u lecture me, u must go join some class to enhance to comprehension skill to understand real meaning of his post. Follow ur own advice ,don't bother me .Thank you.
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    A Forum Post regarding the Danger of Helping India Upgrading its Infrastructure

    @moderators What about nasty comment like this?? Or the tread stater blog itself , which made enough disparaging comment to be closed by now. We u want hard ball discussion and let us do the same.After all I didn't abuse anyone and just pointed out the very popular perception india that...
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    A Forum Post regarding the Danger of Helping India Upgrading its Infrastructure

    Yaa i think Chinese companies should stick to only exports of Diwali lights,Plastic Ganesh(LOL), spurious electric bulb,mobiles and other 3rd rate cheap stuff is has flooded Indian markets. Its good for poor people of india who use it one day and throw it to garbage next day.:china:
  14. P

    How India lost itself through British education

    The one & only positive aspect of the British Raj is that it gave rise to big political state called India as we see it today. But such is the power of its 200 years rule we still experiencing its negative ripple effects and failed to achieve our true potentials.
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    How India lost itself through British education

    someone said British brought science and technology such as railways to India as if in the absence British raj we could never have access technology and would've been left in state of Afghanistan today is. Though let me point out here ,in end of 18th century(1800AD) ,India had big share(nearly...
  16. P

    How India lost itself through British education

    what a BS statement. Can u apprehend the meaning of ur statement. Do u mean to say ladies of ur cast were used as *** slaves by the upper caste ??:hitwall::hitwall: Caste issue has always inherent ecomnomic or political dimention to it. The fact the lower caste were mostly poor most...
  17. P

    Vision of India and Kashmir's place in that vision

    Vision of India and Kashmir's place in that vision By Jagmohan WHAT is our vision of India and what is Kashmir's place in that vision? This is the fundamental question that every Indian, genuinely concerned about the future of the country, should be asking himself or herself, but which...
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    Illegals not allowed

    Commonwealth Games 2010: Illegals not allowed | Parvez Sharma | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk Sita, the servant, is gone. Delhi is shining, as is Gurgaon. Sita, like my uncle's family, lives in Malibu Towne in Gurgaon, 212 acres of heaven where the upper-middle-class inhabitants of the...
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    How Churchill 'starved' India

    @Patitosh Moral trepidation isn't highly valued in the army while obeying orders from the superiors.In a colonial set up of British india of jallianwala bagh ,i'm sure there was no scope for such tendencies. There is less too democratic culture in the army and thats true every where in...
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    Why Hindi-Urdu is One Language and Arabic is Several

    Why Hindi-Urdu is One Language and Arabic is Several Linguistic analysis is not always politically correct. Confusion over the linguistic heritage of Urdu is evident in the comment section of our recent article about the world’s most beautiful languages. While more than one...
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