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  1. M

    India's anti ballistic missile capabilities

    As he said 99.8% only for multiple interceptors against same target. So it will be very difficult for target ballistic to get away. I donot think Pakistan has MIRV technologies. :no:
  2. M


    You are totally wrong. Anti India sentiments may made you blind but this a joint cooperation between the two countries which will help both. Anything related to India and you get afraid. :rolleyes:
  3. M

    EU Remains Torn On Lifting China Arms Embargo

    German, British, French, Swedish, Italian make some of the best defence weapons along with Russia and USA. Many countries buy from them. China has long way to go before they built anything in the line of Germany, France or UK.
  4. M

    Pakistan's newest helicopters:Swiss Alouette III

    You got it wrong. Pakistan getting them free for flood relief operation not buying. Pakistan needs choppers for flood relief works. Its an excellent light chopper.
  5. M

    Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

    We can see except support USSR did nothing even stopped India to get into west Pakistan but USA even send a fleet to save Pakistan as well as weapons and support in UN. USSR had broken down due to massive military and USA's efforts. Why are you taking pride of it??? Also USSR helped Pakistan by...
  6. M

    Embraer aircraft with Indian warning system to fly by 2011

    Earlier projects were delayed because we didn't have either money or technology to develop something new but time has changed. DRDO has lots of money to invest and we have a good technological based from various missiles, Tejas, EW systems and radars etc. The new projects will not be delayed...
  7. M

    INDIA- Strategic Command to acquire 40 nuclear capable fighters

    Su-34 is quite old but we should consider new Su-35 with AESA along with Rafale.
  8. M

    INDIA- Strategic Command to acquire 40 nuclear capable fighters

    Try to read the news first. MKI, Jaguars and Mirages are well capable of carrying nukes.
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    Multi-role combat aircraft not fit for BrahMos

    Third class journalism. MMRCA never meant to carry Brahmos. We will have MKI for Brahmos and MMRCA will get its own long range cruise missile. Can ESSM stop a stealthy Mach 2.8 cruise missile??!!!! Where did you get that? Pls give the source it will be a new one for me.
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    India's defence research agency eyes export markets

    DRDO needed it atleast 10 years back.
  11. M

    INDIA- Strategic Command to acquire 40 nuclear capable fighters

    Its true that army shown interest to have fixed wing aircraft but IAF objected to it. Rafale will be the best choice for such operation. Its stealthy and have a deep strike capabilities.
  12. M

    A video worth respecting

    On one side we have money worshiping politicians on the other side such good people. God help him.
  13. M

    Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

    She was given the highest civilian honor of India for her service for the nation. After independence Indira was the only PM who was a true leader. If nixon says that does it mean true? :rolleyes: nixon was one of the worst president and leader ever. :pop:
  14. M

    Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

    They were terrorists just like those terrorists inside Lal masjid. She had to take the action and she gave her life for the betterment of the nation. Thanks to Indira, Sikh extremism is almost rooted out.
  15. M

    India, Russia to develop missiles having speed of 6,000 kmph

    The engine and seeker is Russian but all other hardwares including, guidance and control system are Indian.
  16. M

    DefenseIndia building reactors for nuclear submarines

    I think no one can or will their advanced compact reactor technology for money. Its a fact. Its also against the rule.
  17. M

    FIRST LOOK: India's Long-Range Cruise Missile Programme

    FIRST LOOK: India's Long-Range Cruise Missile Programme The image above is the first impression of India's little known Long-Range Cruise Missile (LRCM). The question now arises -- is this the same as the Nirbhay, India's sub-sonic long-range cruise missile programme? This is still...
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    Preparations on for super-sonic BrahMos testfiring

    Yeah but the production rate is slow! After getting Kerala Hitech, Brahmos Corp setting up new production facility in Kerala. It will increase production.
  19. M

    DefenseIndia building reactors for nuclear submarines

    Its already undergoing HATs, so there is no question of that without reactor. No one go for trial of their first submarine without reactor in it. So stop making imaginary comments. Trials to follow Jul 27, 2009 DRDO officials cautioned that while INS Arihant entering water from the dry-dock...
  20. M

    Preparations on for super-sonic BrahMos testfiring

    Not sure about the 1900 km hypersonic missile as 1000 km subsonic Nirbhay is also under development. But shiv has shown a slide of the new 600 km missile.
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