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    Defence.pk pays tribute to Nelson Mandela.

    A great man and a great loss RIP Nelson Mandela "No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his/her skin, background, or even his/her religion. People learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart...

    India launches spacecraft to Mars

    And america faked the Moon landings :cheesy:

    Babur Cruise Missile - Database

    I was thinking of the Chassis that the Missles will be carried and what improvement can be made 1) ETF Mining Trucks MT-240 full turning circle - YouTube ETF Mining Trucks MT-240 extreme suspension travel - YouTube 2)make it amphibious : World Defence News: April 2011 to...

    PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

    sigh* :undecided: so you think everyone is a Zionist ? knock yourself out with your illogical backward ranting :tup:

    PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

    Tell me about it Its typical cry baby respond from the idiot republicans who show their fear in their post by insulting others. They are so feared of other peoples technologies (even a backward nation like Somalia) people like Esc8781 call other people " comprehensive-impaired brain " when...

    Iron Man army

    Says THE one acting like all macho behind a computer screen but acts all coward when **** hits the fan. Beside both drones and Ironman suits can be hacked. Sword and human being can't. Says THE one acting like all macho behind a computer screen but acts all coward when ****...

    F-60 / J-31 stealth fighter aircraft for Pakistan Air Force?

    ^ Jealousy at its best :omghaha:

    Taliban sexually abuse suicide bombers during training, NDS says

    A brother can pop his cherry by getting married

    Taliban sexually abuse suicide bombers during training, NDS says

    A brother can pop his cherry by getting married
  10. ARSENAL6

    Daily Mails : Map shows world's 'most racist' countries

    Yes the Daily Mail is Notorious with its stupidity. But this very article has very interesting story to tell especially about Pakistan. Map shows world's most racist countries (and the answers may surprise you) | Mail Online Read more: Map shows world's most racist countries (and...
  11. ARSENAL6

    Israel ready to act alone against nuclear Iran :Netanyahu

    Just to point out something going against Israel IS NOT going against Jews
  12. ARSENAL6

    U.S. F-22 stealth fighter pilot taunted Iranian F-4 Phantom combat planes

    No I was referring to you to ignore him, if the image is that offensive, that was all. :)
  13. ARSENAL6

    Was July 7 bomber widow Samantha Lewthwaite among Kenya attackers?

    Pretty narrow-minded just lable as such Because of one the entire Muslim convert are to blame ? In America on the Three people that went on shooting spree and are known as mad. Saudis, Israel and the entire media are Americans Masters. Too much Pam Geller and Ann Coulter is bad for you...
  14. ARSENAL6

    U.S. F-22 stealth fighter pilot taunted Iranian F-4 Phantom combat planes

    ...And Mass Holocaust of Palestinians , Lebanese and Syrian done by Israeli Lybia, Eygpt, Iran Syria, Iraq Pakistan, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, and Afghanistan,Blacks and native Americans done By the US Philpines, Korea and China were done by the Japanease India, China, All of Africa...
  15. ARSENAL6

    U.S. F-22 stealth fighter pilot taunted Iranian F-4 Phantom combat planes

    Great rant from 1 year baby ....BRAVO Gambit Brovo Next time try not throw your toys out of your pram. :)
  16. ARSENAL6

    U.S. F-22 stealth fighter pilot taunted Iranian F-4 Phantom combat planes

    Never said anything about not seeing Now go and figure instead of acting like a little fool. Gawd you live in America and you still can't master English properly.
  17. ARSENAL6

    U.S. F-22 stealth fighter pilot taunted Iranian F-4 Phantom combat planes

    LIke I said : Kudos to the Iranain Pilots who engaged the f22s. It takes guts to fight an enemy that is more powerful. Go and figure
  18. ARSENAL6

    Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

    GEt the Chinese Involve and have both technologies
  19. ARSENAL6

    U.S. F-22 stealth fighter pilot taunted Iranian F-4 Phantom combat planes

    Kudos to the Iranain Pilots who engaged the f22s. It takes guts to fight an enemy that is more powerful.
  20. ARSENAL6

    U.S. F-22 stealth fighter pilot taunted Iranian F-4 Phantom combat planes

    SO f-22 fights a plane that was retired like more than 40 years ago and everybody is going crazy ? Tune in next time f-22 goes into a dogfight with a b-17 flying fortress. The suspense is killing us all. B-17 is one hellava mean machine it just might JUST MIGHT shoot down the f22...
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