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  1. Alex1

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    EjazR Re: What ails Kashmir? The Sunni idea of ‘azadi’ @Omar and second, out of the muslim community in India 85-86% are sunni. Now cheer up. 80% of muslims in INDIA are sunnis
  2. Alex1

    India Suddenly in Love with Sri Lanka

    Srilanks's biggest trading partner is INDIA..even before China/ or LTTE came into picture,and will remain so---------
  3. Alex1

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    To add my few cents to the post---a countries assets lie in manpower & resources and Pak has both--so a resources rich country--living a hand to mouth existence maybe compounded by military-civilian ruled by Elites--has only one national ambition to annex Kashmir..everything else comes secondary
  4. Alex1

    India Suddenly in Love with Sri Lanka

    INDIA's influence on SriLanka is immense, and S'lanka knows this very welll wait n see what happens in future,Once SATHU SAMUDRAM PROJECT is completed Colombo ports will loosee much of its relevance..BTW can anyone update on this project..am sorry if offtopic..but its closely connected to both...
  5. Alex1

    How to deal with terrorism? The scientific approach

    First screen public to identify people sympathetic towards terrorists. Identify & jail all those hate mongering mulla's. Close all madrasas. Make a tab on all foreign contributions esp those grands to build mosques & other religious places & madras and NGO's also to be monitored. BAN all...
  6. Alex1

    Blast in Quetta

    ALL TALIBANS----- the good TALIBANS, the bad TALIBANS & the ugly TALIBANS have sympathizers in power centers in Pakistan.thats why these terrorists can strike at their will,thought ISI is more efficient than pot bellied PAN chewing RAW/IB..WRONG.
  7. Alex1

    India to have 'giant eyes' in the skies

    Cloud formation & natural disaster early warning:D
  8. Alex1

    India's disappointing government

    NarendraJee is a perfect able & efficient administrator,proven fighter & NO corruption cases so far.has no coterie nor has family to continue nasticDy:D he has no interest in luxury,jumps and grabs whatever that comes in the way towards building his state,(see the TATA ficaso) he was re elcted...
  9. Alex1

    PLA Presence in Northern Areas ? ? ?

    changed circumstances,India has grown enormously both militarily & economically--Pakistan getting sidelined by world--wants to do something to annex kashmir at any costs
  10. Alex1

    PLA Presence in Northern Areas ? ? ?

    I think Pakistan is desperately seeking China's intervention in kasmeer by having requested, may be, troops to safeguard against Imagined Indian threat.but this move will boomerang,the Islamic terrorist will take this with a pinch of salt,and will they start fighting the Chineese--the kafirs in...
  11. Alex1

    India, South Korea sign five-year defence cooperation agreement

    is this a way to counter "String of pearls around INDIA " ? shackling the dragon ?
  12. Alex1

    India's anti ballistic missile capabilities

    NIL......but decoys are also similar w/o explosives ? but they must also be expensive with all capabilities as the real one
  13. Alex1

    Another Jewel in Navy's Crown!!!

    hez talking about the title--pls be more careful in your future posts
  14. Alex1

    Blast in Quetta

    Yes remember the call from Bush to Gen Mushraf.I think these generals are equally responsible..spineless will do whatever to make their thrones safe or will go in selfi mposed exile in UK or in Dubai castles--in utter disregard to poor citizens
  15. Alex1

    Blast in Quetta

    another blame game??? What does this former playboy know ? who used to visit Mumbai often when his country burned. read the posts above.."they were blast before Americans came" one poster said. This is just IRANIAN V/S Saudi war on your soil,,at your expense,,poor innocent lives,Now they say...
  16. Alex1

    Is there any supersonic / hypersonic missile being developed by Pakistan?

    My input will better Pakistan not to develop any super,hyper dupers:D and not to get involved in any arms race with INDIA,India with strong economy will try to upstage many fold, and things will go out of hand, Do things which you can afford so any arms race with India will hurt Pakistan more...
  17. Alex1

    Congrats to Jana for 15000

    being a new member out of curiosity I went thru few posts of Janajee..and most were as jailer said..r one liners--anti Indian :no: & highly out of a frustrated mind
  18. Alex1

    Congrats to Jana for 15000

    and the starter of the thread seems to be a immature INDIAN kid..what a waste of bandwidth.. could've used few words & smilies:tdown:
  19. Alex1

    The Shield

    WOW good hit-----can we hit aircrafts as well
  20. Alex1

    Congrats to Jana for 15000

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