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  1. S

    Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

    If israeli behaviour is such then Iran should keep 500/600 of it's shahab/sejjil targeting at dimona all the time.
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    Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

    Almost all of the influential Mainstream media (MSM) of western countries are controlled by zionists and you accuse helpless Palestinians refugees of creating biggest scam project in history? At least for once try to think rationally. The fact is that zionist controlled Mainstream media (MSM)...
  3. S

    Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

    Haven't you ever heard of the term Palestinian refugee? They are the displaced people. Read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_refugee According that article total Palestinian refugee in 2012 were 5,000,000 (estimated). By the way Whatever the number of local indigenous people was at...
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    Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

    If they are russians as you say what are they doing in Palestanian land? How many Palestenians are displaced to give place for immigrant Russian, Eastern European and other Jews coming from every corner of the earth? Don't you see a problem here indigenous peoples were forcefully removed from...
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    Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

    Tell this to the dead people of Hirosima&Nagasaki. They died to make path for worldwide US hegemony.
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    Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

    You and your zionist buddies will be the first one to protest if Iran destroys illegal israeli WMD in dimona fascility.
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    Iran: nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan

    This king is ok with israels 250+ undeclared nuclear warheads; he says nothing(crocodile tears) when israel kills palestenians by bombing them; he says nothing when burmese muslims are victim of genoside. But he bark about Irans nuclear program which is monitored by IAEA 24/7. Guess What else...
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    Iran: nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan

    Where did you made up this number? In your dream?
  9. S

    Iran: nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan

    how do you say this when your master the saudi king is in bed with the americans?
  10. S

    Hezbollah's Drone Could Penetrate into Israel Longer than Acknowledged by..

    Another point is that israel have killed humanitarian aid workers in international water because the US controlled UN don't say anything. And now they r afraid of destroying a "toy flying" in the same international water. Indeed who can argue with this brain washed person?
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    Iran, Russia to cooperate in Space

    At least they are not collaborating with foreign powers to kill their own people as the submissive pak Regime does.
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    Iran among top five drone technology owners

    Have you spit out all the venom ? Against someone who did'nt harm you. Typical behaviour for people of your background.
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    Oil Sanctions Cost Iran $40 Billion in 2012

    I'm so sorry for you as you have lost your capability to think properly because of shock from a drone attack in your house.
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    Oil Sanctions Cost Iran $40 Billion in 2012

    No; it would be "Wishful ignorance". I'm tired of these zombies making their comment against Iran on every occasion they get. Seems like they are programmed to do so. But this specific comment is hilarious. Which proves the commentator have no idea of the realities of the world.
  15. S

    which side is guilty in the west and Islamic Republic conflict ?

    So according to your logic the west war friendly to Iran before that comment by Ahmadinejad.
  16. S

    which side is guilty in the west and Islamic Republic conflict ?

    Did you said majority? Ever heard of NAM? NAM supports Iran's nuclear program.
  17. S

    Shoe thrown on Iranian Leader In Egypt

    I do not claim to have a moral high ground and never will. I would have been very happy if my country were in forefront to protest ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Burma. But sorry to say that we have no influence over Burmas military leadership. Despite being small in terms of population; Burma...
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    Shoe thrown on Iranian Leader In Egypt

    I don't know if you are deliberately misleading or you actually believe this. Is it pleasing to take donations from people who makes friendship with your enemy? I suppose Palestenians are in a condition where they have to accept donations if it comes from the devil itself; they have no other...
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    Shoe thrown on Iranian Leader In Egypt

    I expect you to say sorry for false allegation made by you. Then we can talk about other subject. Well then do'nt blame if someone accuse your saudi regime for killing Palestinians and Occupying their land by co-operating with israell/us/zionist.
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    Shoe thrown on Iranian Leader In Egypt

    Who am I ? Where am I from? Is these two questions were of most important to you when you reply to me rather than actual points raised by me? Have you spend a single minute to think about my point? If the answer is a No(which I suppose). Then try to read the passage carefully and then reply...
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