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  1. I

    Pakistan Assists Sri Lanka In War Against Tigers

    All parties messed up terribley, don't blame India alone Dream on....yaawn
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    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Nothing like jumping from UNSC to Pakistans feelings to taking justice into own hands ... sounds like the arguments have been ping ponging from one plane to another.
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    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Depends on who says it If we violated then you must have referred the issue to your now high and mighty UNSC. Do the Judges in Pakistan allow you to take matters in your own hand when the case is in proces? People here want to live and let live, keep ypur Kashmir with yours while we keep...
  4. I

    Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

    I agree but then I am asking you what is the penalty we are supposed to pay for our delayed wisdom. Does it matter what you think or Pakistan Governemnt thinks? Did I say otherwise, but then it is coming from Pakistan who conveniently recognised Taliban governmnt which incidentally was...
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    Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

    Nope it is about what penalty we have to pay in case we do not honour the agreement. What is immoral is for us and the global powers to decide.. "Immoral" - Is'nt it a relative term to begin with.
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    Pakistan Assists Sri Lanka In War Against Tigers

    Come on you can be better than this ejaz. Heck TN has more influence in SL then entire PA and POF combined. RAW goes on recce mission-India-The Times of India
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    Pakistan Assists Sri Lanka In War Against Tigers

    I was replyimg to Blains assertion which I interpret as "Pakiostan gaining a stronghold in Srilanka", which I content as nothing else then a myth. India has more influence then Pakistan as it is our back yard. In case you cant move out from your state of delusion then I am not the right person...
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    Pakistan Assists Sri Lanka In War Against Tigers

    1. Yup, a few politicians in TN whine and Rajapakse runs to Delhi. That should indicate who is at out beck and call. I don't think Pakistani president would be worried if an Indian CM makes a comment. 2. SL is successful in its offensive because India wants her to, no two ways about it...
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    Pakistan Assists Sri Lanka In War Against Tigers

    Yet still they are at our beck and call.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Yes Accepted you don't want to be with India. Fell free to move out. Also we feel that the land is ours. Now what do you plan to about that.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Err incase you are in IOK you are free to leave to somewhere else. Every inch in IOK equally belogs to me as every inch of mys state belongs to any Indian citizen. To sum it up Kashmir also belogs to Indian citizens as it belogs to Kashmirs themselevs. You can howl abd growl but that is the...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    True AM, but then most of the major and regional powers do follow the suit. Saudi and GOP were happy to recognise the Taliban government which was not recognised by the UN. So the question that beckons is at what price does one have to pay.
  13. I

    Is there a chance that Pakistan would nuke India?

    Opps when did Saudis become beggers. Ahhh got ya ,, this one statement shows that you are nothing short of a fan boy. Who siad assembling commerical of the shelf pentiums together in a grid was difficult. I still don't see a French Radar and missile.
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    Is there a chance that Pakistan would nuke India?

    Aerostats are a part of deep look capability that India has achieved. Don't be an Ostrich and see things in Isolation. And yes Aerostats can see pretty deep and Pakistan ain't having any depth as far as geography is concerned. Read more. Your knowledge is next only to a peabrain. I...
  15. I

    Is there a chance that Pakistan would nuke India?

    Hmm I am still waiting for a reliable source on Naval Babur being inducted. Nukes mated with Cruise missiles. Super computers in Pakistan. Fissile material production capability. Saudi is interested in Al Khalid. Most of you nations sources are third world media and internet forums.. I...
  16. I

    Is there a chance that Pakistan would nuke India?

    For starters try reading a lot about Indias procrurement in elint and sar radars from Israel. Ill say Aerostats are a good lead for you. "take-photo thingy "I would like to know your technical ability with satelites. Other then Google earth what is your experience with Sats. Have you visited...
  17. I

    India protests submarine sale to Pakistan

    Yup those shity Indians are the ony once who will save you once your soddy coast line goes down under the sea, your inland becomes saline and the begging bowl of South Asia became the largest begging bowl of the world. Let us see how much your Pakistani brothers can help feed your nation.
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    What if Indian "surgical strikes" fail?

    I have been here round longer then you seen detailed discussions on the topic. The best would be Jilu's in case you know what I mean. Did Indian Air chief come and tell you that. IAF has not attacked Pakistan because it has not been ordered to do so. Yup IAF, IN and IA can win any...
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    ‘Pakistan missile project ahead of India’s’

    Let me put it this way for el- nino. True it is a seperate science all together and tell me what kind of simulation facilities does Pakistan have. How much as it progressed in high performance computing? In case you are into diffusion of innovation you shall know that all thses investments...
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    What if Indian "surgical strikes" fail?

    How so . If IAF wants to achieve something it will achieve, PAF can make it harderer but beyond that can you provide me with any thechnical analysis , if you are capable to. Don't put in your words into mine. Where did I say it will be easy. PAF will make things harder as much as it can, it...
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