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  1. mohan goyal

    India vs Pakistan - Evaluation on Military Strengths

    indian navy current inventory Ships of the Indian Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that can really kick some a55e5. these are only the ships we have.. to know about fighter aircraft use google
  2. mohan goyal

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    but dear,i visited few months back. i didnt see a thing like this
  3. mohan goyal

    Pakistan refuse to tone down Wagah ceremony

    i am sorry for writing some bad posts. this happened because of the heat of the moment. lets keep the discussion civil and to the point
  4. mohan goyal

    Women aim high in Turkish Air Force

    great job by turkey...keep it up
  5. mohan goyal

    Why India can’t escape its neighborhood?

    don't pakistanis blame each and everything to mossad-raw-cia.. what about the famous conspiracies theories.. the HAARP was my fav.
  6. mohan goyal

    India should appreciate Pak’s efforts: Gilani

    this is a shameful statement for all the pakistanis.
  7. mohan goyal

    India should appreciate Pak’s efforts: Gilani

    if we explodes bombs in your cities will you continue talking with us??? if there is a problem between two neighbours and their childrens are fighting, what you will do first, stop the fighting between the childrens or let the childrens do fighting and do the talk?? isn't that hard to understand??
  8. mohan goyal

    Obama Is Not Likely to Push India Hard on Pakistan

    hahahaha....last few lines u have made it up.. when she asked about the religion?? this actually shows ur mentality.. how pathetically you are into these religion things. we are victim of pak sponsored terrorism that's why she asked and obama himself said that he was expected that question.
  9. mohan goyal

    Obama calls India a job-creating giant for USA

    IT can take India directly to 21st century: Obama MUMBAI: US President Barack Obama on Sunday got a first hand account of how information technology (IT) has revolutionised life in rural India, and said this technology would help India directly leapfrog into the 21st century. "India may be in...
  10. mohan goyal

    Obama calls India a job-creating giant for USA

    ^^^^^^ rightly said, if you want to have a house, you have to start saving from now and after 10-15 yeras you will reap the benefits. this is how it works. there is no immediate benefits.
  11. mohan goyal

    US should endorse India's UNSC bid, says McCain

    india will not get usa endorsement for unsc seat because of us dependency on pakistan. i think in few years, the situation will be more stable and republicans will be back and we will have the real chance.
  12. mohan goyal

    Obama calls India a job-creating giant for USA

    @asim...what makes u think like that ?? do you have any source of that?? actually it is 54000. obama said 50000 in his address to more than 200 ceos of the US and india. i think he might be joking there. india is not the only country to fulfill their requirement. this is a process. you cannot...
  13. mohan goyal

    Obama calls India a job-creating giant for USA

    Obama comes job hunting; win-win situation for India, US President Barack Obama on Saturday announced that the US would ease regulations governing exports to India making it easier for American firms to export products to India that can be used both for civilian and military purposes. The...
  14. mohan goyal

    US should endorse India's UNSC bid, says McCain

    if some top 200 ceos coming to india , what does it means???
  15. mohan goyal

    Obama calls India a job-creating giant for USA

    @asim ..tell me what is the wrong with his statement?? as per him, deals will create 50000 jobs in US. 100$bn defence market, 150$bn nuclear energy market, 1$trillion infra market etc etc... did he say anything wrong??
  16. mohan goyal

    US should endorse India's UNSC bid, says McCain

    we have to wait for few more years till republicans back in power... obama is going for sure.
  17. mohan goyal

    India should appreciate Pak’s efforts: Gilani

    few years back we are in a mess because of terrorism but now pakistan is in a bigger mess because of that....you have to reap what you have sow.
  18. mohan goyal

    India should appreciate Pak’s efforts: Gilani

    another ridiculous statement....why do we de link terrorism and peace talk. you continue killing our people and want us to reciprocate in a sweet manner.
  19. mohan goyal

    Obama calls India a job-creating giant for USA

    do you even have basic knowledge about business??? this is all about competitive advantage, business cannot sustain without that. the people already employ in that will also loose their jobs. standards of living is different in both countries. there always being give and take. as obama himself...
  20. mohan goyal

    Obama calls India a job-creating giant for USA

    everyone is here for business... nobody is doing any favor to anyone. even if he has won he will do the same thing.
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