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  1. Hemlock

    Headlines Today exclusive: Govt heaps insults on injured MiG-21 pilot

    No doubt your father is a brave man, but lets analyse your statement "He(your dad) never blamed anyone" in respect to our national interest.shall we? If your father's injury or god forbid debilitating condition happened in the line of duty was due to 1: The enemy (This case is obvious, enemy...
  2. Hemlock

    Setback for Kerala, panel says Mullaperiyar safe

    Would that expose us to ISI,?:undecided: aide them in their 'scheme of thingys' to liberate kerala & tamilnadu?:laugh: I don't think its wrong to engaging in such topics even in enemy camp. In fact, handling it in a decent, civilized way might show them our true maturity as a democratic...
  3. Hemlock

    Setback for Kerala, panel says Mullaperiyar safe

    The attack on sbarimala pilgrims: godlessness & bastardly act Holding up Kumily helpless poor Workers: Highhandedness & cowardly act But any Kerala political party orchestrating it would amount to treachery against national interest act. I am quite sure unlike Tamilnadu there’s not even a...
  4. Hemlock

    Setback for Kerala, panel says Mullaperiyar safe

    I suggest, you should not stop cutting just with one mallu throat,mate. You must compile a list with a title 'Vaiko cutthroat list' and should include every rational mind who questions Vaiko's extremist & racist ways of dealing with problems. If you start writing down the list ,you will find...
  5. Hemlock

    Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

    OBL sanctuary incident & pakistan's covert support for taliban & their killings of NATO troops have made these populace degenerated to the point of rejoicing death,height of inhumanity.
  6. Hemlock

    Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

    RIP to the dead. Reading the comments in the yahoo news & many other western news website showed uglier side of islamophobia & intense pakistan hatred among the western world. Avalanche buries 124 Pakistani soldiers and 11 civilians - Yahoo! News
  7. Hemlock

    ‘Indo-Pak trade can touch $50 billion'

    But look at the bright side,kid,. more trade between the two means, more better & relatively less priced Indian medicines on Pakistani drug stores and more likely your parents would put you in medication for schizophrenia that was overdue due to non affordability. You see, the...
  8. Hemlock

    Indian Army eyeing own 'mini' air force

    Inter-service rivalry is not unheard off in defense establishments, Giving up an asset which till now they godfathered makes IAF uneasy, that Ego is expected of from them. If you go back in history (US history) during 1960's missile era there was strong in house bitter rivalry among...
  9. Hemlock

    Indian Army eyeing own 'mini' air force

    Care to explain the above statement? How is Indian army trying to get air-assets for quick deployments during emergency without going through bureaucratic redtapes of air-force, makes them egoistical & corrupt?
  10. Hemlock

    Nuclear Arms race triggered by Gillard !

    Well, is that 'the touché' reply you could come up with? Our cousins cried LOUDER against racist attack and made an impact. But is your crying. whining, somersault parades in a virtual thread making any difference to Aussie Uranium policy towards India? Nope.
  11. Hemlock

    Kudankulam Nuclear plant safe: Kalam

    You are a volitalie man,tjpf You,being a christian is oboiusly ( instictively )making a travesty of thinking everything said about a possible church's nefarous intent (on the project) would make them RSS . Dot make that generalisation, coz that would make almost all scientist,freethinkers who...
  12. Hemlock

    Thank You India

    Since you are so excited about those 'leaked data' & took time to list out the significance of spy satellites with zeal, I shall let you know 'actual' value of the purported significance of the so called 'leaked info'. The data shared is of the co-ordinates of airfields and helipads (ie...
  13. Hemlock

    India To Deploy Brahmos Cruise missiles To counter China Threats.

    The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) which you are talking about inst a "Binding Law" its a voluntary group of 34 countries who have pledged to respect the guide lines. Even the scope of punishment for the rule breakers within the group haven't been stipulated clearly. Well, US being...
  14. Hemlock

    Indian Physicist ‘cheated’ of Nobel?

    My friend,Nobel academy for science has a disturbing precedence of awarding concepts which is improved upon some one else idea but snubbing or ignoring the earlier scientist's contribution. Theory proved by valid equations are no less important than findings through observation,mate. If 'theory...
  15. Hemlock

    China watches nervously as Taiwan election nears

    How did you find out that awesome truth? That brown curry is said to make its eater spit out witful truths, aint that desirable sideffect pretty cool?
  16. Hemlock

    India-Vietnam oil/gas cooperation sparks jingoistic anger in Chinese media

    Ok..Its UNSC card,then. My Chinese friend let me tell you one-thing. we have achieved and will continue to achieve the privileges partaken for a Veto state even if its without UNSC seat for now. NSG waver, Military cooperation with prime powers are just a start. Excluding a rapidly increasing...
  17. Hemlock

    India-Vietnam oil/gas cooperation sparks jingoistic anger in Chinese media

    Wow thats some super awesome superior logics. I asked you, does so strong super mighty(as advertised) china wants a regime change to act against India Then you reply to it involves 26/11, stapled visa?!! well, let me ask you again does it change anything in china Sea? or with drilling deep into...
  18. Hemlock

    India-Vietnam oil/gas cooperation sparks jingoistic anger in Chinese media

    And thats showing results aint it? India drilling in the so called china's backyard but Chinese members like you waiting, hoping,longing for the current leadership to change (replacing dove with hawk,so to speak.) to counter India. and they(chinese) say current Indian Govt Is Spineless. pathetic...
  19. Hemlock

    Libya-war sales demo to India

    Oh,really? well, last day I came across a tread with the same title of RAF debriefing IAF but only to be ludicrously digressed by super awesome logics like "No toilets,80% below poverty,Bhartis Still gets aid" by you and your few other comrades. If that isn't trolling,mate, then I am from...
  20. Hemlock

    Indo-China War in the Offing?

    'War,Possibility of a War, imminentness of a War', if not for these topics appearing quite so often, defense forums would have long slipped into mediocrity and blandness.
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