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  1. Cerian

    Turkiye has started the warning bombardment to Syria

    Lacking capability of PLA Navy will not allow China for adventures in far regions of the world. Better to stay at South China Sea and try to protect it from already dominant US Navy presence, plus other neighboring state's navies.
  2. Cerian

    Turkey nixes Israel’s ‘US-like regret’ offer

    Turkey was not the sole responsible party in the tragedy of Struma. Sure, when we look at today, actions of Turkish government at the time can be seen as condemning. But Turkey was a neutral country in WWII, unlike the country whom the ship belong to and the country whom drowned it. Terrible...
  3. Cerian

    Turkey nixes Israel’s ‘US-like regret’ offer

    Pointing on distortion of a fact done by you. Thanks.
  4. Cerian

    Turkey nixes Israel’s ‘US-like regret’ offer

    I'm not the one who asks a forum member to give explanations of Turkish government. You can easily search the content you seek in Google, and not bother people with asking it. I'm not the one avoid the facts, I know what the facts are. Although, I can't say the same thing for you, since you're...
  5. Cerian

    Turkey nixes Israel’s ‘US-like regret’ offer

    Google or Bing, use which one of it you like. Oh, good old "you're anti-semite!" blunder. Job well done sir. Nope, nothing indicates that whatsoever. Say what now? Apologized where? When? How? What does the "recent behavior" mean? Woot. First time I hear about this. Oh wait, I kind of remember...
  6. Cerian

    Turkey nixes Israel’s ‘US-like regret’ offer

    This topic has been discussed numerous times here. Turkish politicians doesn't have to answer to anything, but they explained how this is Israel's fault. US was the only country that blocked condemnation of Israel at UNSC, but could not do anything when this issue came to GA and HRC, as US...
  7. Cerian

    Turkey nixes Israel’s ‘US-like regret’ offer

    The problem is that it is Israel that is at fault here, not Turkey. I'm sorry Solomon, we're not committed to Israel like your political parties. Look what happened yesterday :) Check this one out too, see the reaction of Jon Stewart Hope and Change 2 - Democratic Platform Amendments
  8. Cerian

    Collapse of Turkey’s Middle East policy

    Quick Google search found this: "More than an excellent biography of Hafiz al-Asad, Syria's national leader, this is a tour de force of contemporary Syrian history and politics. Seale, a Middle Eastern specialist and a journalist, had direct access to Asad. Here is a clear successor to Seale's...
  9. Cerian

    SSM Signed Contract for 12 Caldiran Tactical UAV

    Am I the only one who gets the feeling that Caldiran UAV's camera systems are a bit shaky. Is this normal? If not, is this the result of a small aircraft frame?
  10. Cerian

    Turkey's Attempts To Destabilise Syria Backfire: short turk investments(SA)

    One of the stupidest blog post I've ever read about Syrian issue. Seriously..
  11. Cerian

    Airbus Military begins final assembly of the first A400M for Turkey

    12/7/2012 The Airbus Military A400M final assembly line (FAL) in Seville (Spain) has begun working on the first A400M for the Turkish Air Force. The integration of the wings and central wing-box for this aircraft, known as MSN9, began in mid-May while the integration of the nose and the fuselage...
  12. Cerian

    Small Arms & Ammunition exports of Turkey increased 2874% between 1992-2010

    Amazing visualization of World Small Arms and Ammunition trade. Turkey seems to be doing quite a fine job with its export strategy over the years. Arms Trade
  13. Cerian

    Turkish diplomat slain by ASALA to be remembered by monument in Canada

    It's ASALA. Ottawa Citizen - Egan: A tribute to Turkish diplomat? Don’t even ask
  14. Cerian

    The beginning of TR public turning against Iran because of support of PKK

    Disregard that sentence. But you can't ignore someone who's quite powerful in the Erdogan government.
  15. Cerian

    PKK moves to terror camp in Iran to attack Turkish targets

    There are other ways to retaliate if this news is true and such a retaliation is needed.
  16. Cerian

    Emine Erdogan's visit to Burma leaves her in tears

    The picture in the big hall is meeting with Myanmar President Thein Sein. The last picture is with Nobel Peace Prize winner and politician, Aung San Suu Kyi.
  17. Cerian

    Turkish Foreign Ministry, Press Release Regarding Declarations Made by Iran

    No: 196, 7 August 2012, Press Release Regarding Declarations Made by Iranian Officials We strongly condemn statements full of false accusations regarding our country and extremely inappropriate threats made by some Iranian officials, particularly the statement of Hasan Firuzabadi, Chief of...
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