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  1. W

    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    local governance is horrible in india too, because the internal government mechanisms don't work very well and the media doesn't cover less than sensational events outside metropolitan areas and to a lesser extent state capitals.
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    Chinese missile could shift Pacific power balance

    @gambit : bi static radar config in short and in a way relevant to this discussion?
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    Chinese missile could shift Pacific power balance

    highly entertaining thread. @gambit. would you care to add some more details about the terms you use. because to outsiders using only jargon looks like a cover up.
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    so what checks the government from acting more brutally , repressively or in a high handed manner instead of the largely benevolent manner they've been behaving the last few decades.
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    sounds like one giant corporation to me :) only that the CEO can execute the workers if they rebel :lol:
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    as far as corruption goes, the media in india is fairly hawkish and serious corruption charges against politicians lead to immediate resignation. however, the public isn't smart enough yet for corruption to lead to career failure for a politician in most cases. checking corruption in the...
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    i guess their only whine is with the currency manipulation charge, isn't it. if they're going to lose jobs because of labour laws, thats one thing, but they're going to lose jobs due to currency manipulation, thats another. i don't know enough to have a position on the currency manipulation...
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    whats the status of labour unions in china?
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    Why not the Pakistan Sea?

    konkan sea is more apropriate given the coastlines isn't it :flame: anyway, arabs ain't givin up anything they got :lol:
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    yep, we're going to run into the 19th century issue of poor wages for factory workers again if all controls were loosened. just a fact of life with capitalism. if labour is too abundant, it gets paid like ****.
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    do you mean the US should lower minimum wage. because i guess the government doesn't have much to with the wages above that.
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    certainly they can. no kidding. our total revenue is in the 200B range i think. far far behind :)
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    Turkey ready to build nukes

    the US really ought to be pushing everyone to disarm including the existing powers.
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    100B, thats equal to the official defense budget isn't it. thats a lot of money. i can't see india investing anywhere near 20-30B (defense budget range) into something like high speed rail.
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    Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops

    hey, hey , hey . i think science v religion is somewhat out of place on this forum. thousands of other places online where this debate happens :)
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    Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops

    i also want to discuss china's amazing performance at math on some thread. can we have a china and math / science / engg sticky somewhere?
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    Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops

    i guess we'll prove idune correct by talking about science v religion on this thread :lol: another thread about china and science / engg maybe?
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    Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops

    hes done you a favour btw. less bullshit to deal with if / when you become a democracy.
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    Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops

    hmmmm. ok, i was refering to the fact that the chinese people on this forum talk propertionately more in math/sci/engineering terms than geopolitical / economic or military. that there is no interest in religion is also something i can see.
  20. W

    Ground Zero mosque wins approval !!

    in the family of memeplexes called religions, islam is not alone but the most effective in inciting violence. i don't want to go further or i might get banned :)
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