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  1. L

    David Cameron backs Turkey for EU !

    hmmm, maybe they want the European Union to mean countries similar to Western Europe. who are you to ask of them anything. its their union.
  2. L

    Israel Wants Missile Shield Money, JSF Tech To Not Block Saudi F-15 Sale

    israel is tiny and has to stay understandably paranoid in order to maintain their lead. its got a gdp similar to pakistan.
  3. L

    Awami League imposing Hindu dominance over Muslim majority population

    maybe its been said before, but secular != pro-hindu secular = keep religion out of politics
  4. L

    David Cameron backs Turkey for EU !

    is there anything european about turkey apart from what ataturk forced on its population?
  5. L

    China's modern cities

    this thread truly makes me laugh out loud. i have no clue how many indians hate china or why but i definitely hate china for the lack of political freedom (i am a libertarian). i'd much rather have had another liberal democracy of 1.3 billion+ marching towards first world living standards...
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